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Evaluation of the rodent micronucleus assay by a 28-day treatment protocol : Summary of the 13th Collaborative Study by the Collaborative Study Group for the Micronucleus Test (CSGMT)/Environmental Mutagen Society of Japan (JEMS)-Mammalian Mutagenicity Study Group (MMS)

HAMADA, Shuichi1 ; SUTOU, Sizuyo2 ; OSAWA, Koichi11 ; KONDO, Yasushi12 ; ASANO, Norihide13 ; SATO, Sei-Ichi14 ; TAMURA, Hironobu15 ; YAJIMA, Nobuhiro16 ; MARSHALL, Richard17 ; MOORE, Catherine18 ; BLAKEY, David H19 ; SCHECHTMAN, Leonard M20 ; MORITA, Takeshi3 ; WEAVER, James L20 ; TOROUS, Dorothea K21 ; PROUDLOCK, Ray22 ; ITO, Seiichi23 ; NAMIKI, Chiaki1 ; HAYASHI, Makoto24 ; WAKATA, Akihiro4 ; ASANAMI, Shougo5 ; HOSOYA, Satoko6 ; OZAWA, Shigenari7 ; KONDO, Koji8 ; NAKAJIMA, Madoka9 ; SHIMADA, Hiroyasu10
[1] SSP Company, Ltd., Chiba, Japan
[2] The National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology, Ibaraki, Japan
[3] Nippon Glaxo Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan
[4] Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
[5] Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Tokushima, Japan
[6] Safety Research Institute for Chemical Compounds Company, Ltd., Hokkaido, Japan
[7] Kissei Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Nagano, Japan
[8] Shionogi & Company, Ltd., Osaka, Japan
[9] An-pyo Center, Shizuoka, Japan
[10] Daiichi Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
[11] Taisho Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Saitama, Japan
[12] Tanabe Seiyaku Company, Ltd., Osaka, Japan
[13] Nitto Denko Corporation, Osaka, Japan
[14] Japan Tobacco Inc., Kanagawa, Japan
[15] Nippon Shinyaku Company, Ltd., Kyoto, Japan
[16] Snow Brand Milk Products Company, Ltd., Tochigi, Japan
[17] Covance Laboratories Ltd., North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
[18] ZENECA Pharmaceuticals, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, United Kingdom
[19] Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
[20] Food and Drug Treatment, Rockville, Maryland, United States
[21] Litron Laboratories, Rochester, New York, United States
[22] Huntingdon Life Sciences, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
[23] Nippon Experimental Medical Research Institute Company Ltd., Gunma, Japan
[24] National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

Environmental and molecular mutagenesis (Print). 2001, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 93-110 ; ref : 1 p.1/4

Scientific domain
Biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics; Environment; Genetics
Wiley-Liss, New York, NY
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Aberration chromosomique Long terme Mutagène Rat Souris Test micronucléus Test mutagénicité Toxicité Mammalia Rodentia Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Chromosomal aberration Long term Mutagen Rat Mouse Micronucleus test Mutagenicity testing Toxicity Mammalia Rodentia Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Aberración cromosómica Largo plazo Mutágeno Rata Ratón Prueba micronúcleo Prueba mutagenicidad Toxicidad Mammalia Rodentia Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B03 Toxicology / 002B03B Intensive care medicine. Antipoison centers

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