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Comparison of outcomes of unrelated bone marrow and umbilical cord blood transplants in children with acute leukemia

ROCHA, Vanderson; CORNISH, Jacqueline; TIEDEMANN, Karin; BUSCA, Alessandro; CHAN, Ka-Wah; KATO, Shunichi; ORTEGA, Juan; VOWELS, Marcus; ZANDER, Axel; SOUILLET, Gérard; OAKILL, Anthony; WOOLFREY, Ann; SIEVERS, Eric L; PAY, Andrea L; GREEN, Ann; GARNIER, Federico; LONESCU, Irina; WERNET, Peter; SIRCHIA, Girolamo; RUBINSTEIN, Pablo; CHEVRET, Sylvie; GLUCKMAN, Eliane; FILIPOVICH, Alexandra; LOCATELLI, Franco; PETERS, Cristina; REMBERGER, Mats; MICHEL, Gérard; ARCESE, William; DALLORSO, Sandro
Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust Registry, London, United Kingdom
Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Clinica Pediatrica, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy
Duesseldorf Cord Blood Bank, Duesseldorf, Germany
Eurocord-Cord Blood Transplant Group (CBTG) and Biostatistics Department, Saint Louis Hospital AP-HP, University of Paris 7, France
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States
Hospital Debrousse, Lyon, France
Hospital Infantil Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain
Hospital La Timone, Marseille, France
Hospital for Sick Children, Bristol, United Kingdom
Huddinge University Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden
Institute G. Gaslini, Genoa, Italy
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
Milano Cord Blood Bank, Milano, Italy
National Blood Service, Bristol, United Kingdom
New York Cord Blood Bank, New York, NY, United States
Ospedale Regina Margherita, Turin, Italy
Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
St Anna Kinderspital, Vienna, Austria
Sydney Children's Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara, Japan
University Hospital Eppendort, Hamburg, Germany
University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Blood. 2001, Vol 97, Num 10, pp 2962-2971 ; ref : 36 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Hematology
The Americain Society of Hematology, Washington, DC
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Aigu Cellule hématopoïétique Cellule souche Cordon ombilical Déplétion Enfant Etude comparative Homogreffe Leucémie lymphoblastique Leucémie myéloblastique Lymphocyte T Maladie greffon hôte Moelle osseuse Pronostic Sang Traitement Greffe Homme Hémopathie maligne Immunopathologie Lymphoprolifératif syndrome
Keyword (en)
Acute Hematopoietic cell Stem cell Umbilical cord Depletion Child Comparative study Homograft Acute lymphocytic leukemia Acute myelocytic leukemia T-Lymphocyte Graft versus host reaction Bone marrow Prognosis Blood Treatment Graft Human Malignant hemopathy Immunopathology Lymphoproliferative syndrome
Keyword (es)
Agudo Célula hematopoyética Célula primitiva Cordón umbilical Depleción Niño Estudio comparativo Homoinjerto Leucemia linfoblástica Leucemia mieloblástica Linfocito T Enfermedad injerto huesped Médula ósea Pronóstico Sangre Tratamiento Injerto Hombre Hemopatía maligna Inmunopatología Linfoproliferativo síndrome
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B27 Anesthesia. Intensive care medicine. Transfusions. Cell therapy and gene therapy / 002B27D Transfusions. Complications. Transfusion reactions. Cell and gene therapy / 002B27D02 Bone marrow, stem cells transplantation. Graft versus host reaction

Anaesthesia. Reanimation. Transfusion. Cell therapy and gene therapy
INIST identifier

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