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Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution

WARREN, Wesley C1 ; HILLIER, Ladeana W1 ; YANG, Shiaw-Pyng1 ; HEGER, Andreas4 ; LOCKE, Devin P1 ; MIETHKE, Pat2 ; WATERS, Paul D2 ; VEYRUNES, Frédéric2 9 ; FULTON, Lucinda1 ; FULTON, Bob1 ; GRAVES, Tina1 ; WALLIS, John1 ; MARSHALL GRAVES, Jennifer A2 ; PUENTE, Xose S10 ; LOPEZ-OTIN, Carlos10 ; ORDONEZ, Gonzalo R10 ; EICHLER, Evan E11 ; LIN CHEN11 ; ZE CHENG11 ; DEAKIN, Janine E2 ; ALSOP, Amber2 ; THOMPSON, Katherine2 ; KIRBY, Patrick2 ; BIRNEY, Ewan3 ; PAPENFUSS, Anthony T12 ; WAKEFIELD, Matthew J12 ; OLENDER, Tsviya13 ; LANCET, Doron13 ; HUTTLEY, Gavin A14 ; SMIT, Arian F. A15 ; PASK, Andrew16 ; TEMPLE-SMITH, Peter16 17 ; BATZER, Mark A18 ; WALKER, Jerilyn A18 ; PONTING, Chris P4 ; KONKEL, Miriam K18 ; HARRIS, Robert S7 ; WHITTINGTON, Camilla M6 ; WONG, Emily S. W6 ; GEMMELL, Neil J19 ; BUSCHIAZZO, Emmanuel19 ; VARGAS JENTZSCH, Iris M19 ; MERKEL, Angelika19 ; SCHMITZ, Juergen20 ; ZEMANN, Anja20 ; GRUTZNER, Frank5 ; CHURAKOV, Gennady20 ; KRIEGS, Jan Ole20 ; BROSIUS, Juergen20 ; MURCHISON, Elizabeth P21 ; SACHIDANANDAM, Ravi21 ; SMITH, Carly21 ; HANNON, Gregory J21 ; TSEND-AYUSH, Enkhjargal5 ; MCMILLAN, Daniel2 ; ATTENBOROUGH, Rosalind2 ; BELOV, Katherine6 ; MILLER, Webb7 ; CLARKE, Laura8 ; CHINWALLA, Asif T1
[1] Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8501, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, St Louis, Missouri 63108, United States
[2] Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia
[3] EMBL-EBI, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB101SD, United Kingdom
[4] MRC Functional Genetics Unit, University of Oxford, Department of Human Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QX, United Kingdom
[5] Discipline of Genetics, School of Molecular & Biomedical Science, The University of Adelaide, 5005 South Australia, Australia
[6] Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
[7] Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States
[8] WeUcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, United Kingdom
[9] Cambridge University, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ES, United Kingdom
[10] Instituto Universitario de Oncologia, Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular, Universidad de Oviedo, 33006-Oviedo, Spain
[11] Department of Genome Sciences, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, United States
[12] The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria 3050, Australia
[13] Crown Human Genome Center, Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
[14] John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia
[15] lnstitute for Systems Biology, 1441 North 34th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103-8904, United States
[16] Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
[17] Monash Institute of Medical Research, 27-31 Wright Street, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
[18] Department of Biological Sciences, Center for Bio-Modular Multi-Scale Systems, Louisiana State University, 202 Life Sciences Building, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, United States
[19] School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
[20] Institute of Experimental Pathology, University of Muenster, Von-Esmarch-Strasse 56, 48149 Muenster, Germany
[21] Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724, United States
[22] Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3080, Australia
[23] CRC for Innovative Dairy Products, Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
[24] Department of Biology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505, United States
[25] MPl Molecular Genetics Ihnestrasse 73, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Germany

Nature (London). 2008, Vol 453, Num 7192, pp 175-183, 9 p ; ref : 71 ref

Scientific domain
Nature Publishing, London
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Evolution moléculaire Génome Ornithorhynchus anatinus Séquence nucléotide Mammalia Monotremata Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Molecular evolution Genome Ornithorhynchus anatinus Nucleotide sequence Mammalia Monotremata Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Evolución molecular Genoma Ornithorhynchus anatinus Secuencia nucleótido Mammalia Monotremata Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A07 Genetics of eukaryotes. Biological and molecular evolution / 002A07A Biological evolution

Eukaryotes genetics. Biological and molecular evolution
INIST identifier

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