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K-ras Mutations and Benefit from Cetuximab in Advanced Colorectal Cancer

KARAPETIS, Christos S1 ; KHAMBATA-FORD, Shirin2 ; PRICE, Timothy J9 ; SHEPHERD, Lois4 ; AU, Heather-Jane10 ; LANGER, Christiane11 ; MOORE, Malcolm J12 ; ZALCBERG, John R13 ; JONKER, Derek J3 ; O'CALLAGHAN, Chris J4 ; DONGSHENG TU4 ; TEBBUTT, Niall C5 ; SIMES, R. John6 ; CHALCHAL, Haji7 ; SHAPIRO, Jeremy D8 ; ROBITAILLE, Sonia4
[1] Flinders Medical Centre and Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
[2] Bristol-Myers Squibb Research and Development, Princeton, NJ, United States
[3] Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
[4] National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group, Kingston, ON, Canada
[5] Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia
[6] National Health and Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
[7] Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, SK, Canada
[8] Cabrini Hospital and Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
[9] Queen Elizabeth Hospital and University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
[10] Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB, Canada
[11] Bristol-Myers Squibb, Wallingford, CT, United States
[12] Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada
[13] Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

The New England journal of medicine. 2008, Vol 359, Num 17, pp 1757-1765, 9 p ; ref : 32 ref

Scientific domain
General medicine general surgery
Massachusetts Medical Society, Boston, MA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Anticancéreux Cancer colorectal Cétuximab Gène K ras Gène onc cellulaire Gène onc Gène ras Immunomodulateur Mutation Médecine Protooncogène Stade avancé Anti-EGFR Anticorps monoclonal Cancer Pathologie de l'appareil digestif Pathologie de l'intestin Pathologie du côlon Pathologie du rectum Récepteur facteur croissance épiderme Tumeur maligne
Keyword (en)
Antineoplastic agent Colorectal cancer Cetuximab K ras Gene C-Onc gene Onc gene Ras gene Immunomodulator Mutation Medicine Protooncogene Advanced stage Monoclonal antibody Cancer Digestive diseases Intestinal disease Colonic disease Rectal disease Epidermal growth factor receptor Malignant tumor
Keyword (es)
Anticanceroso Cancer de colon y recto Cetuximab Gen K ras Gen onc celular Gen onc Gen ras Inmunomodulador Mutación Medicina Protooncogen Estadio avanzado Anticuerpo monoclonal Cáncer Aparato digestivo patología Intestino patología Colón patología Recto patología Receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico Tumor maligno
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B01 General aspects

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B13 Gastroenterology. Liver. Pancreas. Abdomen / 002B13B Stomach. Duodenum. Small intestine. Colon. Rectum. Anus / 002B13B01 Tumors

Gastroenterology. Liver. Pancreas. Abdomen Generalities in medical sciences
INIST identifier

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