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Biochar impact on development and productivity of pepper and tomato grown in fertigated soilless media

GRABER, Ellen R1 ; MELLER HAREL, Yael2 ; KOLTON, Max1 2 3 ; CYTRYN, Eddie1 ; SILBER, Avner1 ; RAV DAVID, Dalia2 ; TSECHANSKY, Ludmilla1 ; BORENSHTEIN, Menahem2 ; ELAD, Yigal2
[1] Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, The Volcani Center, Agricultural Research Organization, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
[2] Institute of Plant Protection, The Volcani Center, Agricultural Research Organization, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
[3] Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, P.O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel

Plant and soil. 2010, Vol 337, Num 1-2, pp 481-496, 16 p ; ref : 2 p.1/4

Scientific domain
Agronomy, agriculture, phytopathology; Plant biology and physiology; Ecology; Soil science, pedology
Springer, Dordrecht
Publication country
Document type
Author keyword
Antibiotics Bacterial isolates Biochar Biocontrol Fertigation Hormesis Intensive agriculture PGPF PGPR Pepper Plant growth promotion Plant productivity Soilless media Tar Tomato
Keyword (fr)
Agriculture intensive Antibiotique Bactérie Carbonisation Croissance Culture sans sol Développement Hormèse Irrigation fertilisante Isolat Lutte biologique Lycopersicon esculentum Productivité Rhizobactérie stimulant croissance plante Stimulation Substrat de culture <<>> Biochar Plante en C3 Angiospermae Dicotyledones Lutte phytosanitaire Microorganisme Plante légumière Procaryote Solanaceae Spermatophyta Type C3 Végétal
Keyword (en)
Intensive farming Antibiotic Bacteria Carbonization Growth Soilless cultivation Development Hormesis Fertigation Isolate Biological control Lycopersicon esculentum Productivity Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Stimulation Growing medium Biochar Angiospermae Dicotyledones Pest and disease control Microorganism Vegetable crop Prokaryote Solanaceae Spermatophyta C3-Type Vegetals
Keyword (es)
Agricultura intensiva Antibiótico Bacteria Carbonización Crecimiento Cultivo sin tierra Desarrollo Ormese Riego fertilizante Aislado Lucha biológica Lycopersicon esculentum Productividad Rizobacteria estimulante crecimiento planta Estimulación Substrato de cultivo Biochar Angiospermae Dicotyledones Lucha fitosanitaria Microorganismo Hortalizas (plantas) Procariota Solanaceae Spermatophyta Tipo C3 Vegetal
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A14 Animal, plant and microbial ecology

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A32 Agronomy. Soil science and plant productions / 002A32B Soil science / 002A32B03 Physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology of agricultural and forest soils / 002A32B03B Chemical, physicochemical, biochemical and biological properties / 002A32B03B4 Biochemistry and biology / 002A32B03B4C Microbiology

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A32 Agronomy. Soil science and plant productions / 002A32C General agronomy. Plant production / 002A32C02 Soil-plant relationships. Soil fertility. Fertilization. Amendments / 002A32C02B Soil-plant relationships. Soil fertility

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A34 Phytopathology. Animal pests. Plant and forest protection

Agronomy. Soil sciences and vegetal productions Animal, vegetal and microbial ecology Phytopathology. Agricultural zoology. Crops and forests protection
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