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Oligonucleotide and Polymer Functionalized Nanoparticles for Amplification-Free Detection of DNA

THOMSON, David A. C1 2 ; TEE, Ernest H. L1 ; TRAN, Nguyen T. D2 ; MONTEIRO, Michael J2 ; COOPER, Matthew A1
[1] Institute for Molecular Bioscience and, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
[2] Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Biomacromolecules. 2012, Vol 13, Num 6, pp 1981-1989, 9 p ; ref : 37 ref

Scientific domain
Biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics; Polymers, paint and wood industries
American Chemical Society, Washington, DC
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Biodétecteur Copolymère greffé Copolymère marqué Cycloaddition dipolaire 1,3 DNA Ethylène oxyde copolymère Ethylène oxyde polymère Etude expérimentale Groupe latéral Herpesvirus hominis Hybridation Limite détection Macromère Marqueur fluorescent Modification chimique Méthacrylate copolymère Nanoparticule Oligonucléotide Particule magnétique Polymère greffé Polymérisation transfert atome Préparation Réaction surface Silice Triazole dérivé copolymère Chimie clic Densité greffage Méthode sans amplification Particule chevelue Polymère greffé nanoparticule Sonde rapporteur Alphaherpesvirinae Herpesviridae Virus
Keyword (en)
Biosensor Graft copolymer Labelled copolymer 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition DNA Ethylene oxide copolymer Ethylene oxide polymer Experimental study Lateral group Herpesvirus hominis Hybridization Detection limit Macromer Fluorescent tracer Chemical modification Methacrylate copolymer Nanoparticle Oligonucleotide Magnetic particles Graft polymers Atom transfer polymerization Preparation Surface reaction Silica Triazole derivative copolymer Alphaherpesvirinae Herpesviridae Virus
Keyword (es)
Biodetector Copolímero injertado Copolímero marcado 1,3-Dipolar cicloadición DNA Etileno óxido copolímero Etileno óxido polímero Estudio experimental Grupo lateral Herpesvirus hominis Hibridación Límite detección Macrómero Marcador fluorescente Modificación química Metacrilato copolímero Nanopartícula Oligonucleótido Polimerización transferencia atomo Preparación Reacción superficie Sílice Triazol derivado copolímero Alphaherpesvirinae Herpesviridae Virus
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D09 Physicochemistry of polymers / 001D09D Organic polymers / 001D09D02 Preparation, kinetics, thermodynamics, mechanism and catalysts / 001D09D02E Polymers with particular properties

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A31 Biotechnology / 002A31C Methods. Procedures. Technologies / 002A31C09 Various methods and equipments / 002A31C09B Biosensors

Biotechnology Physical chemistry of polymers
INIST identifier

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