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Surveillance of human rotaviruses in 2007―2011, Hungary: Exploring the genetic relatedness between vaccine and field strains

LASZLO, Brigitta1 2 ; KONYA, József1 ; KISFALI, Peter10 ; KOVACS, Julianna11 ; LENGYEL, György6 ; MARTELLA, Vito12 ; MELEGH, Béla10 ; MESZAROS, Julia9 ; MOLNAR, Peter13 ; NYUL, Zoltán14 ; PAPP, Hajnalka2 ; PATRI, Laszlo15 ; DANDAR, Eszter2 ; PUSKAS, Erzsebet16 ; SANTHA, Ildikó16 ; SCHNEIDER, Ferenc17 ; SZOMOR, Katalin4 ; TOTH, Andras13 ; TOTH, Erzsébet18 ; SZUCS, György19 ; BANYAI, Krisztián2 ; DEAK, Judit3 ; FARKAS, Agnes4 ; GRAY, Jim5 ; GROSZ, Gábor6 ; ITURRIZA-GOMARA, Miren7 ; JAKAB, Ferenc8 ; JUHASZ, Agnes9
[1] Department of Medical Microbiology, Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
[2] Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
[3] Department of Clinical Microbiology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
[4] Division of Virology National Center for Epidemiology, Budapest, Hungary
[5] Specialist Virology Centre, Microbiology Department, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, United Kingdom
[6] Dr. Gyorgy Radó Military Medical Centre, Hungarian Defence Forces, Budapest, Hungary
[7] Enteric Virus Unit, Health Protection Agency, London, United Kingdom
[8] Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
[9] Hungarian National Public Health and Medical Officer Service, North Great Plain Regional Institute, Hajdú-Bihar county, Debrecen, Hungary
[10] Department of Medical Genetics and Child Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pecs, Pécs, Hungary
[11] Pediatrics Health Center, Bordány, Hungary
[12] Department of Animal Health and Wellbeing, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
[13] Szent László Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Budapest, Hungary
[14] Kerpel-Fronius Ödön Children's Hospital, Pécs, Hungary
[15] PÁTRI-MED BT, Pecs, Hungary
[16] Hungarian National Public Health and Medical Officer Service, North Hungarian Regional Institute, Miskolc, Hungary
[17] Markusovszky Hospital, Szombathely, Hungary
[18] Hungarian National Public Health and Medical Officer Service, North Great Plain Regional Institute, Szabolcs-Szatrnár-Bereg County, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
[19] Department of Microbiology, University of Kuwait, Kuwait

Journal of clinical virology. 2012, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 140-146, 7 p ; ref : 51 ref

Scientific domain
Microbiology, infectious diseases; Virology
Elsevier, Amsterdam
Publication country
Document type
Author keyword
Gastroenteritis Genotype Molecular epidemiology VP4 VP7
Keyword (fr)
Epidémiologie moléculaire Gastroentérite Génotype Homme Rotavirus Souche vaccinale Vaccin génétique Hongrie Pathologie de l'appareil digestif Pathologie de l'estomac Pathologie de l'intestin Reoviridae Virus Europe
Keyword (en)
Molecular epidemiology Gastroenteritis Genotype Human Rotavirus Vaccine strain Genetic vaccine Hungary Digestive diseases Gastric disease Intestinal disease Reoviridae Virus Europe
Keyword (es)
Epidemiología molecular Gastroenteritis Genotipo Hombre Rotavirus Cepa de vacuna Vacuna genética Hungría Aparato digestivo patología Estómago patología Intestino patología Reoviridae Virus Europa
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A05 Microbiology / 002A05C Virology / 002A05C06 Epidemiology

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A05 Microbiology / 002A05C Virology / 002A05C10 Miscellaneous

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B05 Infectious diseases / 002B05C Viral diseases / 002B05C02 Human viral diseases / 002B05C02J Miscellaneous

Infectious pathology Microbiology
INIST identifier

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