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Phylogeography of the Vipera ursinii complex (Viperidae): mitochondrial markers reveal an east―west disjunction in the Palaearctic region

FERCHAUD, Anne-Laure1 ; URSENBACHER, Sylvain2 ; CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIC, Jelka10 9 ; TOMOVIC, Ljiljana11 9 ; GHIRA, Loan12 ; IOANNIDIS, Yannis13 ; ARNAL, Véronique1 ; MONTGELARD, Claudine1 ; CHEYLAN, Marc1 ; LUISELLI, Luca3 ; JEIIC, Dusan4 ; HALPERN, Bálint5 ; MAJOR, Agnes6 ; KOTENKO, Tatiana7 ; KEYAN, Najme8 ; BEHROOZ, Roozbeh8
[1] Biogéographie et écologie des vertébrés (EPHE), Centre d'écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive ― UMR5175 - CNRS, Montpellier, France
[2] Department of Environmental Sciences, Section of Conservation Biology, University of Basel, Switzerland
[3] Institute of Environmental Studies Demetra, Rome, Italy
[4] State Institute for Nature Protection, Zagreb, Croatia
[5] MME BirdLife, Hungary
[6] Hungarian Natural History Museum, Laboratory of Molecular Taxonomy, Budapest, Hungary
[7] Department of Population Ecology, Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
[8] Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
[9] Institute for Biological Research, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
[10] Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
[11] Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
[12] Babes-Bólyai University, Cluj, Romania
[13] Biosphere, Ymittos, Greece

Journal of biogeography. 2012, Vol 39, Num 10, pp 1836-1847, 12 p ; ref : 1 p.3/4

Scientific domain
Plant biology and physiology; Ecology; Zoology
Blackwell, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Acridophaga Bayesian inference European vipers Quaternary climatic fluctuations Vipera ursinii complex alpine species maximum likelihood mitochondrial markers molecular dating steppe
Keyword (fr)
Biogéographie Climat Condition climatique Fluctuation Marqueur Maximum vraisemblance Mitochondrie Quaternaire Région Paléarctique Steppe Viperidae Phylogéographie Vipera Europe Ophidia Reptilia Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Biogeography Climate Climatic condition Fluctuations Marker Maximum likelihood Mitochondria Quaternary Palearctic Region Steppe Viperidae Phylogeography Europe Ophidia Reptilia Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Biogeografía Clima Condición climática Fluctuación Marcador Maxima verosimilitud Mitocondria Cuaternario Región Paleártica Estepa Viperidae Filogeografia Europa Ophidia Reptilia Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A14 Animal, plant and microbial ecology / 002A14B Animal and plant ecology / 002A14B04 Synecology / 002A14B04A General aspects

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A15 Vertebrates: general zoology, morphology, phylogeny, systematics, cytogenetics, geographical distribution / 002A15C Amphibia. Reptilia

Animal, vegetal and microbial ecology Vertebrates : general zoology, morphology, phylogeny, systematics, cytogenetics, geographical distribution
INIST identifier

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