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Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guidance pathway genes

BIANKIN, Andrew V1 2 3 ; WADDELL, Nicola4 ; CHANG, David K1 2 3 ; COWLEY, Mark J1 ; GARDINER, Brooke B4 ; SONG, Sarah4 ; HARLIWONG, Ivon4 ; IDRISOGLU, Senel4 ; NOURSE, Craig4 ; NOURBAKHSH, Ehsan4 ; MANNING, Suzanne4 ; WANI, Shivangi4 ; KASSAHN, Karin S4 ; GONGORA, Milena4 ; PAJIC, Marina1 ; SCARIETT, Christopher J1 8 ; GILL, Anthony J1 10 9 ; PINHO, Andreia V1 ; ROOMAN, Ilse1 ; ANDERSON, Matthew4 ; HOMES, Oliver4 ; LEONARD, Conrad4 ; TAYLOR, Darrin4 ; GINGRAS, Marie-Claude5 6 ; WOOD, Scott4 ; QINYING XU4 ; NONES, Katia; FINK, J. Lynn; CHRIST, Angelika; BRUXNER, Tim; CLOONAN, Nicole; KOLLE, Gabriel11 ; NEWELL, Felicity; PINESE, Mark1 ; MUTHUSWAMY, Lakshmi B7 ; MEAD, R. Scott1 12 ; HUMPHRIS, Jeremy L1 ; KAPLAN, Warren1 ; JONES, Marc D1 ; COLVIN, Emily K1 ; NAGRIAL, Adnan M1 ; HUMPHREY, Emily S1 ; CHOU, Angela1 12 ; CHIN, Venessa T1 ; CHANTRILL, Lorraine A; JOHNS, Amber L1 ; MAWSON, Amanda; SAMRA, Jaswinder S13 9 ; KENCH, James G10 14 ; LOVELL, Jessica A; DALY, Roger J; MERRETT, Neil D15 2 ; TOON, Christopher; EPARI, Krishna16 ; NGUYEN, Nam Q17 ; BARBOUR, Andrew18 ; MILLER, David K4 ; WILSON, Peter J4 ; PATCH, Ann-Marie4 ; JIANMIN WU1
[1] The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, 370 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, and the Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia
[2] Department of Surgery, Bankstown Hospital, Eldridge Road, Bankstown, Sydney, New South Wales 2200, Australia
[3] South Western Sydney Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Liverpool, New South Wales 2170, Australia
[4] Queensland Centre for Medical Genomics, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia
[5] Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, MS226, Houston, Texas 77030-3411, United States
[6] Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030-3411, United States
[7] Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto M5G 0A3, Canada
[8] School of Environmental & Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, New South Wales 2258, Australia
[9] Department of Anatomical Pathology, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales 2065, Australia
[10] University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
[11] Life Technologies, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, Australia
[12] Department of Anatomical Pathology, Sydpath, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia
[13] Department of Surgery, Roral North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales 2065, Australia
[14] Tissue Pathology and Diagnostic Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, New South Wales 2050, Australia
[15] School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney, Penrith, New South Wales 2175, Australia
[16] Department of Surgery, Fremantle Hospital, Alma Street, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160, Australia
[17] Department of Gastroenterology Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia
[18] Department of Surgery, The University of Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Ipswich Road, Woollongabba, Queensland 4102, Australia

Nature (London). 2012, Vol 491, Num 7424, pp 399-405, 7 p ; ref : 38 ref

Scientific domain
Nature Publishing Group, London
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Cancer du pancréas Cancérologie Carcinogenèse Gène Homme Mutation Facteur de guidance axonale Cancer Génétique Pathologie de l'appareil digestif Pathologie du pancréas Tumeur maligne
Keyword (en)
Pancreas cancer Cancerology Carcinogenesis Gene Human Mutation Axon guidance factor Cancer Genetics Digestive diseases Pancreatic disease Malignant tumor
Keyword (es)
Cáncer del páncreas Cancerología Carcinogénesis Gen Hombre Mutación Cáncer Genética Aparato digestivo patología Páncreas patología Tumor maligno
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B13 Gastroenterology. Liver. Pancreas. Abdomen / 002B13C Liver. Biliary tract. Portal circulation. Exocrine pancreas / 002B13C01 Tumors

Gastroenterology. Liver. Pancreas. Abdomen
INIST identifier

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