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House-to-house human movement drives dengue virus transmission

STODDARD, Steven T1 2 ; FORSHEY, Brett M3 4 5 ; KOCHEL, Tadeusz J3 4 ; KITRON, Uriel2 7 ; SCOTT, Thomas W1 2 ; MORRISON, Amy C1 3 4 ; PAZ-SOLDAN, Valerie A6 ; VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC, Gonzalo M2 7 ; ASTETE, Helvio3 4 ; REINER, Robert C1 2 ; VILCARROMERO, Stalin3 4 ; ELDER, John P8 ; HALSEY, Eric S3 4
[1] Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, United States
[2] Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, United States
[3] Virology Department, US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 6, Hospital Centro Medico Naval, Lima, Peru
[4] Virology Department, US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 6, Clinica Naval de Iquitos, Iquitos, Peru
[5] Department of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States
[6] Global Health Systems and Development, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70112, United States
[7] Department of Environmental Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, United States
[8] Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182, United States

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013, Vol 110, Num 3, pp 994-999, 6 p ; ref : 50 ref

Scientific domain
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
arthropod-borne virus disease ecology emerging infections infectious disease | spatial epidemiology
Keyword (fr)
Aedes aegypti Dengue Déplacement Ectoparasite Epidémiologie Homme Hôte Parasite Pathogène Prévention Répartition spatiale Transmission Vecteur Amérique du Sud Arbovirose Arthropoda Culicidae Diptera Infection Insecta Invertebrata Virose Amérique
Keyword (en)
Aedes aegypti Dengue Displacement Ectoparasite Epidemiology Human Host Parasite Pathogenic Prevention Spatial distribution Transmission Vector South America Arbovirus disease Arthropoda Culicidae Diptera Infection Insecta Invertebrata Viral disease America
Keyword (es)
Aedes aegypti Dengue Desplazamiento Ectoparásito Epidemiología Hombre Huesped Parásito Patógeno Prevención Distribución espacial Transmisión Vector America del sur Arbovirosis Arthropoda Culicidae Diptera Infección Insecta Invertebrata Virosis America
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A37 Medically important nuisances and vectors, pests of stored products and materials: population survey and control / 002A37A Vectors. Intermediate hosts

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B05 Infectious diseases / 002B05C Viral diseases / 002B05C02 Human viral diseases / 002B05C02I Tropical viral diseases / 002B05C02I1 Arboviroses / 002B05C02I1A Dengue fevers

Infectious pathology Vectors of medical importance, nuisance, pests of commodities and materials : population monitoring and control
INIST identifier

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