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Synthesis and Structure―Conductivity Relationship of Polystyrene-block-Poly(vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium) for Alkaline Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

TSAI, Tsung-Han1 ; MAES, Ashley M2 ; VANDIVER, Melissa A2 ; VERSEK, Craig3 ; SEIFERT, Sönke4 ; TUOMINEN, Mark3 ; LIBERATORE, Matthew W2 ; HERRING, Andrew M2 ; COUGHLIN, E. Bryan1
[1] Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 120 Governors Drive, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, United States
[2] Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States
[3] Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 411 Hasbrouck Laboratory, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, United States
[4] X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, United States

Journal of polymer science. Part B. Polymer physics. 2013, Vol 51, Num 24, pp 1751-1760, 10 p ; ref : 49 ref

Scientific domain
Polymers, paint and wood industries
Wiley, Hoboken, NJ
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
amphiphilic block copolymers anion exchange membrane fuel cell atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) conductivity relationship phase separation poly(vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium) polymeric electrolyte membranes polystyrene structure
Keyword (fr)
Absorption eau Action humidité Ammonium quaternaire copolymère Conductivité ionique Copolymère biséquencé Effet température Electrolyte solide polymère Etude expérimentale Membrane échangeuse anion Polymère monodispersé Polymérisation transfert atome Préparation Relation structure propriété Structure domaine Styrène copolymère Styrène dérivé copolymère Styrène([triméthylammonio]méthyl) copolymère Propriété électrique
Keyword (en)
Water absorption Humidity effect Quaternary ammonium copolymer Ionic conductivity Diblock copolymer Temperature effect Polymer solid electrolyte Experimental study Anion exchange membrane Monodispersed polymer Atom transfer polymerization Preparation Property structure relationship Domain structure Styrene copolymer Styrene derivative copolymer Electrical properties
Keyword (es)
Absorción agua Acción humedad Amonio cuaternario copolímero Conductividad iónica Copolímero bisecuencia Efecto temperatura Electrólito sólido polímero Estudio experimental Membrana cambiadora aniónica Polímero monodispersado Polimerización transferencia atomo Preparación Relación estructura propiedad Estructura dominio Estireno copolímero Estireno derivado copolímero Propiedad eléctrica
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D09 Physicochemistry of polymers / 001D09D Organic polymers / 001D09D02 Preparation, kinetics, thermodynamics, mechanism and catalysts / 001D09D02E Polymers with particular properties

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D10 Polymer industry, paints, wood / 001D10A Technology of polymers / 001D10A06 Forms of application and semi-finished materials / 001D10A06J Exchange resins and membranes

Physical chemistry of polymers Polymer industry, paints, wood
INIST identifier

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