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Software-Defined Networking: Challenges and research opportunities for Future Internet

HAKIRI, Akram1 2 ; GOKHALE, Aniruddha3 ; BERTHOU, Pascal1 2 ; SCHMIDT, Douglas C3 ; GAYRAUD, Thierry1 2
[1] CNRS, LAAS, 7 avenue du colonel Roche, 31400 Toulouse, France
[2] Univ de Toulouse, UPS, LAAS, 31400 Toulouse, France
[3] Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Dept of EECS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37212, United States

Computer networks (1999). 2014, Vol 75, pp 453-471, 19 p ; a ; ref : 122 ref

Scientific domain
Elsevier, Kidlington
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Control plane Forwarding plane Future Internet Network function virtualization OpenFlow Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
Keyword (fr)
Allocation ressource Architecture réseau Calcul réparti Centre calcul Centre donnée Commande répartie Découplage Gestion ressources Gestion réseau Internet Modèle OSI Multidestinataire Passerelle d'information Propriété intellectuelle Prospective Protocole internet Qualité service Recherche et développement Routage Routeur Réseau virtuel Système autonome Système réparti Informatique dans les nuages Protocole inter-domaine Réseau défini par logiciel Virtualisation de fonctions de réseau
Keyword (en)
Resource allocation Network architecture Distributed computing Computer center Data center Distributed control Decoupling Resource management Network management Internet OSI model Multicast Information gateway Intellectual property Prospective Internet protocol Service quality Research and development Routing Router Virtual network Autonomous system Distributed system Cloud computing Inter-domain protocol Software Defined Networking Network function virtualization
Keyword (es)
Asignación recurso Arquitectura red Cálculo repartido Centro cálculo Centro datos Control repartido Desacoplamiento Gestión recursos Gestión red Internet Modelo OSI Multidestinatario Pasarela información Propiedad intelectual Prospectiva Protocolo internet Calidad servicio Investigación desarrollo Enrutamiento Router Red virtual Sistema autónomo Sistema repartido Computación en nube Protocolo interdominio Red definida por software Virtualización de las funciones de la red
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D02 Computer science; control theory; systems / 001D02B Software / 001D02B04 Computer systems and distributed systems. User interface

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B02 Systems, networks and services of telecommunications / 001D04B02B Teletraffic

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B02 Systems, networks and services of telecommunications / 001D04B02E Operation, maintenance, reliability

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B03 Teleprocessing networks. Isdn / 001D04B03A Access methods and protocols, osi model

Computer science : theoretical automation and systems Telecommunications and information theory
INIST identifier

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