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Case 2. Tamoxifen and uterine abnormalitiesBUIJS, C; WILLEMSE, P. H. B; TINGA, D. J et al.Journal of clinical oncology. 2004, Vol 22, Num 12, pp 2505-2507, issn 0732-183X, 3 p.Article

Molecular perspectives on selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs): progress in understanding their tissue-specific agonist and antagonist actionsLONARD, David M; SMITH, Carolyn L.Steroids. 2002, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 15-24, issn 0039-128XArticle

Hypertriglycéridémie majeure sous tamoxiféne = Severe hypertriglyceridemia under tamoxifenLa Revue Prescrire. 1998, Vol 18, Num 183, pp 281-282, issn 0247-7750Article

Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacokinetics of PF-02413873, a Nonsteroidal Progesterone Receptor AntagonistBUNGAY, Peter J; TWEEDY, Sarah; HOWE, David C et al.Drug metabolism and disposition. 2011, Vol 39, Num 8, pp 1396-1405, issn 0090-9556, 10 p.Article

The estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen enhances spontaneous glycinergic synaptic inhibition of hypoglossal motoneuronsCHESNOY-MARCHAIS, D.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 2005, Vol 146, Num 10, pp 4302-4311, issn 0013-7227, 10 p.Article

Circulating nitric oxide levels increase after anti-androgen treatment in male-to-female transsexualsVALENTI, S; FAZZUOLI, L; GIUSTI, M et al.Journal of endocrinological investigation (Testo stampato). 2003, Vol 26, Num 6, pp 522-526, issn 0391-4097, 5 p.Article

Les modulateurs spécifiques des récepteurs oestrogéniques (SERMs) : Nouvelles thérapeutiques en gynécologie = Specific estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) : New therapeutics in gynecologyTREMOLLIERES, Florence; LOPES, Patrice.La Presse médicale (1983). 2002, Vol 31, Num 28, pp 1323-1328, issn 0755-4982, 6 p.Article

Human Arylacetamide Deacetylase Is a Principal Enzyme in Flutamide HydrolysisWATANABE, Akinobu; FUKAMI, Tatsuki; NAKAJIMA, Miki et al.Drug metabolism and disposition. 2009, Vol 37, Num 7, pp 1513-1520, issn 0090-9556, 8 p.Article

Binding characteristics of aromatase inhibitors and phytoestrogens to human aromataseCHEN, S; KAO, Y.-C; LAUGHTON, C. A et al.Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 1997, Vol 61, Num 3-6, pp 107-115, issn 0960-0760Conference Paper

Personalized Tamoxifen: A Step Closer but Miles To GoBARDIA, Aditya; STEARNS, Vered.Clinical cancer research (Print). 2010, Vol 16, Num 17, pp 4308-4310, issn 1078-0432, 3 p.Article

Allergo-immunologie : 2. Les réactions allergiques aux anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens : Nouveautés en médecine 2007 (Deuxième partie) = Allergic reactions to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugsLEIMGRUBER, A.Revue médicale suisse. 2008, Vol 4, Num 140, pp 100-103, issn 1660-9379, 4 p.Article

Flutamide and cyproterone acetate exert agonist effects: Induction of androgen receptor-dependent neuroprotectionNGUYEN, Thuy-Vi V; MINGZHONG YAO; PIKE, Christian J et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 2007, Vol 148, Num 6, pp 2936-2943, issn 0013-7227, 8 p.Article

Un carcinome lobulaire infiltrant : que proposer après cinq ans de tamoxifène ?La Lettre du sénologue. 2006, Num 31, pp 33-34, issn 1289-2505, 2 p.Article

Safety and adverse effects associated with raloxifene: Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene EvaluationGRADY, Deborah; ETTINGER, Bruce; MOSCARELLI, Elena et al.Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953). 2004, Vol 104, Num 4, pp 837-844, issn 0029-7844, 8 p.Article

Changes in bone mineral density during and after 3 years' use of tamoxifen or toremifeneTIITINEN, Aila; NIKANDER, Eini; HIETANEN, Päivi et al.Maturitas (Amsterdam). 2004, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 321-327, issn 0378-5122, 7 p.Article

Étude des interférences potentielles entre progestatifs et tamoxifène = Progestins and tamoxifen: interferenceNEVEN, P; LESUR, A.SFSPM : Société française de sénologie et de pathologie mammaire. Journées. 2004, pp 424-434, isbn 2-9520435-6-6, 11 p.Conference Paper

Involvement of PKA and Sp1 in the induction of p27Kip1 by tamoxifenLEE, Te-Hsiu; CHANG, Hui-Chiu; CHUANG, Lea-Yea et al.Biochemical pharmacology. 2003, Vol 66, Num 3, pp 371-377, issn 0006-2952, 7 p.Article

Androgen-dependent mechanisms of wolffian duct development and their perturbation by flutamideWELSH, Michelle; SAUNDERS, Philippa T. K; MARCHETTI, Nicholas I et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 2006, Vol 147, Num 10, pp 4820-4830, issn 0013-7227, 11 p.Article

Synergistic interactions between tamoxifen and trastuzumab (Herceptin)ARGIRIS, Athanassios; WANG, Chun-Xia; WHALEN, Steve G et al.Clinical cancer research. 2004, Vol 10, Num 4, pp 1409-1420, issn 1078-0432, 12 p.Article

Intraocular penetration of TamoxifenFLAXEL, Christina J; MULHOLLAND, Bridget; HAYNES, Benjamin et al.Ophthalmology (Rochester, MN). 2000, Vol 107, Num 11, pp 2006-2009, issn 0161-6420Article

Des anti-estrogènes aux SERMSDEGRELLE, Hervé.Reproduction humaine et hormones. 2004, Vol 17, Num 4, pp 289-293, issn 0994-3919, 5 p.Article

Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of the anti-oestrogen droloxifene in female human subjectsJOHN, B. A; BRODIE, R. R; BALDOCK, G. A et al.Xenobiotica (London. Print). 2002, Vol 32, Num 8, pp 699-713, issn 0049-8254Article

Synthesis, biochemical evaluation and rationalisation of the inhibitory activity of a range of 4-hydroxyphenyl ketones as potent and specific inhibitors of the type 3 of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD3)LOTA, Rupinder K; OLUSANJO, Moniola S; DHANANI, Sachin et al.Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 2008, Vol 111, Num 1-2, pp 128-137, issn 0960-0760, 10 p.Article

Toremifene for premenstrual mastalgia : a randomised, placebo-controlled crossover studyOKSA, S; LUUKKAALA, T; MÄENPÄÄ, J et al.BJOG (Oxford. Print). 2006, Vol 113, Num 6, pp 713-718, issn 1470-0328, 6 p.Article

Interactions of tamoxifen, N-desmethyltamoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen with p-glycoprotein and CYP3ABEKAII-SAAB, Tanios S; PERLOFF, Michael D; WEEMHOFF, James L et al.Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition. 2004, Vol 25, Num 7, pp 283-289, issn 0142-2782, 7 p.Article

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