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Les sédiments de cours d'eau : source ou puits de contaminants ?BATAILLARD, Philippe; GUERIN, Valérie; GUEZENNEC, Anne-Gwenaelle et al.Environnement & technique. 2008, Num 274, pp 33-39, issn 0986-2943, 7 p.Article
Bed sediment management to improve navigation depths and increase flood conveyanceWINKLEY, B. R.Bulletin of the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses. 1991, Num 73, pp 117-127, issn 0374-1001Article
Zur Genese von Schwarzerden auf der Sontheimer Hochterrasse in der Donauniederung bei Ulm = Pedogenesis of chernozems in the upper river terrace of the Danubian river near Ulm (South West Germany)THATER, M; STAHR, K.Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde. 1991, Vol 154, Num 4, pp 293-299, issn 0044-3263, 7 p.Article
Assessing the functional importance of large-bodied invertebrates in experimental headwater streamsLECERF, Antoine; RICHARDSON, John S.Oikos (København). 2011, Vol 120, Num 6, pp 950-960, issn 0030-1299, 11 p.Article
Using a Master Sample to Integrate Stream Monitoring ProgramsLARSEN, David P; OLSEN, Anthony R; STEVENS, Donald L et al.Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics. 2008, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 243-254, issn 1085-7117, 12 p.Article
Comment parvenir aux décisions de réalisation de grands aménagements = Decisions for realizations of great developmentsJACQ, A.P.C.M. Ponts et chaussées et mines. 1992, Vol 90, Num 11, pp 32-34, issn 0397-4634Article
Peuplements animaux et végétaux des systèmes fluviaux : Une ressource vivante à gérer = Animal and vegetal stocking of streams :a living resource to manageQuels fleuves pour demain ? Colloque international. 1992, pp 110-125Conference Paper
Classification and spatial mapping of riparian habitat with applications toward management of streams impacted by nonpoint source pollutionDELONG, M. D; BRUSVEN, M. A.Environmental management (New York, NY). 1991, Vol 15, Num 4, pp 565-571, issn 0364-152XArticle
Stream oxygen sag analysesStream, lake, estuary, and ocean poollution. 1991, pp 156-199Book Chapter
Pushnet sampling as a supplement to seine sampling in riversRANDALL TINSLEY, V; NIELSEN, L. A; WAHL, D. H et al.Fisheries research. 1989, Vol 7, Num 3, pp 201-206, issn 0165-7836Article
Guide pour les jaugeages de cours d'eauMitteilung - Landeshydrologie (Bern). 1983, issn 0253-2514, 127 p., 4aSerial Issue
Context dependency and metacommunity structuring in boreal headwater streamsHEINO, Jani; GRÖNROOS, Mira; SOININEN, Janne et al.Oikos. 2012, Vol 121, Num 4, pp 537-544, issn 0030-1299, 8 p.Article
Abrupt regime shifts in space and time along rivers and connected lake systemsHILT, Sabine; KÖHLER, Jan; KOZERSKI, Hans-Peter et al.Oikos (København). 2011, Vol 120, Num 5, pp 766-775, issn 0030-1299, 10 p.Article
The influence of climate on in-stream removal of nitrogenDONNER, Simon D; KUCHARIK, Christopher J; OPPENHEIMER, Michael et al.Geophysical research letters. 2004, Vol 31, Num 20, pp L20509.1-L20509.5, issn 0094-8276Article
The interpretation of controlled vs natural experiments in streamsCOOPER, S. D; DUDLEY, T. L.Oikos. 1988, Vol 52, Num 3, pp 357-361, issn 0030-1299Article
A laboratory stream design for biological researchHORNE, P. A; BENNISON, G. L.Water research (Oxford). 1987, Vol 21, Num 12, pp 1577-1579, issn 0043-1354Article
Le diagnostic des cours d'eau : Une étape essentielle avant leur restauration et leur entretienTOUTANT, Claude; LOIRE, Bruno.Environnement & technique. 2004, Num 236, pp 23-26, issn 0986-2943, 4 p.Article
A process-based classification system for headwater streamsWHITING, P.J; BRADLEY, J.B.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1993, Vol 18, Num 7, pp 603-612, issn 0197-9337Article
Prey exchange rates and the impact of predators on prey populations in streamsCOOPER, S. D; WALDE, S. J; PECKARSKY, B. L et al.Ecology (Durham). 1990, Vol 71, Num 4, pp 1503-1514, issn 0012-9658, 12 p.Article
Les nappes d'accompagnement : expression hydrogéologique et hydrodynamique d'un concept réglementaire = Stream-related aquifers : hydrogeological and hydrodynamic expression of a regulative conceptCOLLIN, J. J; DAUM, J. R.Documents du BRGM. Eau-Aménagement-Environnement. 1996, Num 256, pp 32-40Conference Paper
Assainissement pluvial : l'avenir est aux techniques alternativesCOURTOIS, P.ENVIRONNEMENT TECHNIQUE. 1995, Vol 150, pp 48-50Article
What is a stream?DOYLE, Martin W; BERNHARDT, Emily S.Environmental science & technology. 2011, Vol 45, Num 2, pp 354-359, issn 0013-936X, 6 p.Article
Principes méthodologiques en vue de l'analyse des paysages de cours d'eau = Methodological principles for analysing river landscapesREYT, P.Revue de géographie de Lyon. 1998, Vol 73, Num 4, pp 293-298, issn 0035-113XArticle
Outline of proceedings of the International Symposium on Fishways '90 in GifuUEDA, M.Journal of irrigation engineering and rural planning. 1992, Num 22, pp 66-68, issn 0287-8607Article
Stream reaerationStream, lake, estuary, and ocean poollution. 1991, pp 141-155Book Chapter