Results 1 to 25 of 19634
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Genesis of covered pediments : an alternative to SAKAGUCHI's climatic interpretation = La genèse des pédiments couverts : une alternative à l'interprétation climatique de SAKAGUCHITWIDALE, C.R.Bulletin of the Department of Geography, University of Tokyo. 1987, Num 19, pp 71-74, issn 0082-478XArticle
Mineral deposits - current concepts on their formation = Les gîtes minéraux : idées actuelles sur leur formationROBERTS, D.1987, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 146-147, issn 0308-1567Article
Igneous cumulates in sedimentological perspectiveHUNTER, R.H; KOKELAAR, P.1994, Vol 4, Num 3, pp 15-17Article
A propos de la genèse du mondmilch = On the genesis of mondmilchRENAULT, P.1985, Num 97, issn 1141-1740, p.19Article
Heterogenetic and syngenetic growth of permafrostLUNARDINI, V.J.International symposium on ground freezing. 1994, pp 361-373, isbn 90-5410-518-6Conference Paper
New models for the formation of linear sand dunes = Modèles récents de la formation des dunes sableuses linéairesLIVINGSTONE, I.Geography. 1988, Vol 73, Num 319, pp 105-115, issn 0016-7487, 2Article
Conditions de formation d'affaissements dans les régions karstiquesKANG YANREN.1988, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 9-18Article
Dzherfisherit i ego genezis v kimberlitovykh porodakhSPETSIUS, Z. V; BULANOVA, G. P; LESKOVA, N. V et al.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1987, Vol 293, Num 1, pp 199-202, issn 0002-3264Article
Les diaclases : Une approche expérimentale = An experimental approach of jointsRIVES, T; PETIT, J.-P.Réunion annuelle des sciences de la terre. 1990, Num 13, issn 0249-7557, p.109Conference Paper
Drumlins : Products controlled or uncontrolled glaciodynamic response ? = Les drumlins : Produits d'une réponse glaciodynamique contrôlée ou incontrôlée ?MENZIES, J.Quaternary science reviews. 1989, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 151-158, issn 0277-3791Article
Evolution of ureilites = Evolution des ureilitesPRINZ, M.Nature (London). 1988, Vol 331, Num 6154, pp 299-300, issn 0028-0836Article
Geomorphic inheritance and the development of tower karst = Héritage géomorphologique et développement du karst à tourellesWILLIAMS, P.W.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1987, Vol 12, Num 5, pp 453-465, issn 0197-9337Article
Wave generation and development on a sandy river bed : DiscussionCOLEMAN, S. E.Iowa Hydraulics Colloquium. 1996, pp 145-155, isbn 90-5410-810-XConference Paper
Proceedings of the eighth quadrennial IAGOD symposium, held in Ottawa, Canada, August 12-18, 1990. Papers presented at the symposium on topics related to general problems on the genesis of ore deposits and on studies of the ore geology of specific district or depositsMAURICE, Yvon T.Quadrennial IAGOD symposium. 1993, pp XIII-900, isbn 3-510-65153-7, p, isbn 3-510-65153-7Conference Proceedings
On the process of meander formation = Sur le processus de formation des méandresSEMINARA, G; TUBINO, M.International symposium on river sedimentation. 4. 1989, pp 873-880Conference Paper
Mekhanizm opustosheniya ochaga pri obrazovanii kal'derSLEZIN, YU. B.Vulkanologiâ i sejsmologiâ. 1987, Num 5, pp 3-15, issn 0203-0306Article
The role of underground runoff in the formation of karst caves under the control of the principle of least resistanceGAO JINOUJIANG.1993, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 361-373, issn 1001-4810Article
Dynamique de formation des croûtes superficielles : Apport de l'analyse microscopiqueBOIFFIN, J; BRESSON, L.M.Micromorphologie des sols. Réunion internationale de micromorphologie des sols. 7. 1987, pp 393-399Conference Paper
Geologo-geokhimicheskaya model' geneticheskikh tipov gazokondensatovERMOLKIN, V.I; BOBYLEVA, A.A; SOROKOVA, E.I et al.Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ geologičeskaâ. 1989, Num 1, pp 111-119, issn 0321-1703Article
Bentonites in BulgariaATANASOV, G. D; GORANOV, A. G.Godišnik na Sofijskija universitet. Geologo-geografski fakultet. Kniga 1, geologija. 1986, Vol 80, Num 1, pp 226-237, issn 0324-0479Article
Mechanism of origination and dynamics of mud flowsSHEKO, A. I; KRUPODEROV, V. S.International Conference on debris-flow hazards mitigation. 2000, pp 403-408, isbn 90-5809-149-XConference Paper
Analogue models of alluvial doline developmentSORIANO, M. A; SIMON, J. L.Géologie méditerranéenne. 1997, Vol 24, Num 1-2, pp 3-13, issn 0397-2844Article
Vigorous loss of ice from accreting giant-icy-satellites through the formation of hot proto-atmospheresKURAMOTO, K; MATSUI, T.International geological congress. 1992, p.655Conference Paper
Origin of the EarthNEWSOM, Horton E; JONES, John H.LPI conference on the origin of the Earth. 1990, 375 p., isbn 0-19-506619-7Conference Proceedings
El origen de las aguas subterráneas: el tremendo error milenario = Origine des eaux souterraines: la terrible erreur du millénaireBENITEZ, A.1989, Num 3280, pp 359-366, issn 0034-8619Article