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Photo-geological interpretation of Kadana area, Gujarat, India = Interprétation photogéologique de la zone de Kadana, Gujarat, IndeKHADRI, S. F. R.National Geographical Journal of India. 1986, Vol 32, Num 3, pp 201-207, issn 0027-9374Article

Chemical Industry in GujaratChemical engineering world. 2000, Vol 35, Num 9, pp 107-110, issn 0009-2517, 3 p.Article

Floods in Porbandar = Les crues dans le PorbandarPATEL, K.N.1983, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 34-48, issn 0026-4571Article

On the submerged estuarine environment of a part of Arabian Sea coast, South GujaratAMITAVA BANDYOPADHYAY.Visesa Prakasana - Bharatiya Bhuvaijñanika Sarveksana. 1989, Num 24, pp 343-347, issn 0254-0436, 5 p.Conference Paper

Clastic dykes in the Wagad Formation of Kachchh, Western IndiaAMITAVA BANDYOPADHYAYOWARDOYO.1991, Vol 63, Num 2, pp 132-137, issn 0970-1354Article

Paleogene of Kutch: a rejoinder. Reply = Le Paléogène de Kutch: Discussion et réponseBISWAS, S. K; RAY, A. K.Indian journal of earth sciences. 1986, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 343-360, issn 0379-5128Article

New avenues in the field of ceramic industry in Gujarat = Nouvelles perspectives dans le domaine de l'industrie céramique au GujaratKACHHARA, R.C.1985, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 49-53, issn 0026-4571Article

Lithostratigraphic classification of the Tertiary sequence of northwestern KutchSARASWATI, P.K; BANERJI, R.K.Indian colloquium on micropaleontology and stratigraphy. 1984, pp 369-376Conference Paper

Silica bead industry in Cambay, Gujarat state, India = L'industrie des perles de silice à Cambay, état du Gujarat, IndeKARANTH, R. V.Journal of the Geological Society of India. 1988, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 426-431, issn 0016-7622Article

Further contribution to the Mesozoic flora of Kutch, GujaratJAYASRI BANERJI.Geophytology. 1987, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 69-74, issn 0376-5156Article

Tertiary-Quaternary stratigraphy of Porbandar Area, Southern Saurahstra, Gujarat = Stratigraphie du Tertiaire-Quaternaire de la région de Porbandar, Saurashtra méridional, GujaratMATHUR, U.B; VERMA, K.K; MEHRA, S et al.Visesa Prakasana - Bharatiya Bhuvaijñanika Sarveksana. 1987, Num 11, pp 333-345, issn 0254-0436Conference Paper

Glauconite occurrence at Guneri, District Kutch in Gujarat state = Découverte de glauconite à Guneri, District de Kutch, GujaratTALATI, D.J; DAVE, B.S.1984, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 17-25, issn 0026-4571Article

A relook on the presence of Cretaceous sediments in Cambay basin, Gujarat - An integrated approachAGARWAL, R.P; JOSHI, S.V; BHOJ, R et al.Seminar cum workshop I.G.C.P. sd, pp 31-34Conference Paper

Frequency distribution of maximum one day and consecutive days rainfall for Mehsana district, north Gujarat, IndiaPATEL, N. R; SHETE, D. T.IAHS-AISH publication. 2011, Vol 350, pp 603-609, issn 0144-7815, isbn 978-1-907161-25-4, 1Vol, 7 p.Conference Paper

Evaluationg steady state upward flux and critical water table depth for some typical soil series of GujaratRAVENDER SINGH.Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 1994, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 313-315, issn 0019-638XArticle

Microwave remote sensing for geological applications = La télédection par radar en géologieCALLA, S.O.P.N.1985, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 25-30, issn 0026-4571Article

Non-marine Cretaceous of Rajasthan and Gujarat, Western IndiaMATHUR, U.B.Seminar cum workshop I.G.C.P. sd, pp 84-85Conference Paper

Post-Earthquake Housing Recovery in Bachhau, India: The Homeowner, the Renter, and the SquatterMUKHERJI, Anuradha.Earthquake spectra. 2010, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 1085-1100, issn 8755-2930, 16 p.Article

Biotechnology : Opportunities in GujaratPADH, Harish.Chemical engineering world. 2000, Vol 35, Num 9, pp 128-131, issn 0009-2517Article

Gujarat profits from glass investment boomGlass international. 1995, Num SEP, pp 9-10, issn 0143-7836Article

Effect of exchangeable magnesium on sodicity hazards and hydraulic properties of vertic ustochrept of GujaratGIRDHAR, I. K; IDNANI, L. K.Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 1994, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 316-318, issn 0019-638XArticle

Classification of saline-sodic vertisols in the coastal plains of GujaratBHATTACHARYYA, T; SRIVASTAVA, R; SHARMA, J. P et al.Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 1994, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 306-309, issn 0019-638XArticle

Foraminifer zonation in the Jurassic system of Kutch, IndiaJAGADISH PANDEY; DAVE, A.International symposium on jurassic stratigraphy. 1991, p. 96Conference Paper

Coastal landform mapping around the Gulf of Khambhat using LANDSAT TM data = Cartographie des formes du relief littoral dans la région du golfe de Khambat à l'aide des données du Thematic Mapper de LANDSATSHAIKH, M.G; SHAILESH NAYAK; SHAH, P.N et al.Photonirvachak (Dehra Dun). 1988, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 41-54, issn 0255-660XArticle

March of minerals in Gujarat = Les ressources minières du GujaratSHUKLA, R.T.1985, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 4-21, issn 0026-4571Article

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