Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B00G57H Infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave and radiowave sources.

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B00 General.
        • 001B00G Instruments, apparatus, components and techniques common to several branches of physics and astronomy.
          • 001B00G57 Infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave and radiowave instruments, equipment and techniques.
            • 001B00G57H Infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave and radiowave sources. (Ver también 001B40B72)


  • en : Infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave and radiowave sources.
  • fr : Sources infrarouge, submillimétrique, hyperfréquence et radiofréquence.

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme