Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B10C Specific reactions and phenomenology.

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B10 The physics of elementary particles and fields.
        • 001B10C Specific reactions and phenomenology.
          • 001B10C10 Weak and electromagnetic interactions of leptons. (Ver también 001B10C40, 001B10C35)
          • 001B10C15 Neutrino interactions.
          • 001B10C20 Leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons.
          • 001B10C25 Hadronic decays of mesons.
          • 001B10C30 Decays of baryons.
          • 001B10C35 Decays of leptons. (Ver también 001B10C10)
          • 001B10C38 Decays of intermediate bosons.
          • 001B10C40 Electromagnetic processes and properties. (Ver también 001B10C10)
          • 001B10C60 Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons.
          • 001B10C65 Hadron production by electron-positron collisions.
          • 001B10C75 Hadron-induced low- and intermediate-energy reactions and scattering (energy ? 10 GeV).
          • 001B10C85 Hadron-induced high- and super-high-energy interactions (energy >> 10 GeV).
          • 001B10C87 Jets in large-Q2 scattering.
          • 001B10C88 Polarization in interactions and scattering.
          • 001B10C90 Other topics in specific reactions and phenomenology of elementary particles.


  • fr : Réactions spécifiques et phénoménologie.
  • en : Specific reactions and phenomenology.

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme