Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B10D80 Other particles (including hypothetical).

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B10 The physics of elementary particles and fields.
        • 001B10D Properties of specific particles.
          • 001B10D80 Other particles (including hypothetical).
            • 001B10D80B Standard-model Higgs bosons.
            • 001B10D80C Non-standard-model Higgs bosons.
            • 001B10D80H Magnetic monopoles.
            • 001B10D80L Supersymmetric partners of known particles.
            • 001B10D80M Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.).


  • fr : Autres particules (incluant les particules hypothétiques).
  • en : Other particles (including hypothetical).

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme