Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B20E Nuclear reactions: specific reactions.

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B20 Nuclear physics.
        • 001B20E Nuclear reactions: specific reactions.
          • 001B20E10 Nuclear reactions involving few-nucleon systems.
          • 001B20E20 Photonuclear reactions.
          • 001B20E30 Lepton-induced reactions.
          • 001B20E40 Nucleon-induced reactions.
          • 001B20E43 Antiproton-induced reactions.
          • 001B20E45 2H-induced reactions.
          • 001B20E55 3H, 3He, and 4He-induced reactions.
          • 001B20E60 Reactions induced by unstable nuclei.
          • 001B20E70 Low and intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions.
          • 001B20E75 Relativistic heavy-ion reactions (collisions induced by light ions studied to calibrate relativistic heavy ion collisions, should be classified under both 001B20E75 and the 001B10C ou 001B20E category appropriate to the light ions).
          • 001B20E80 Meson- and hyperon-induced reactions.
          • 001B20E85 Fission reactions.
          • 001B20E90 Other topics in nuclear reactions: specific reactions.


  • en : Nuclear reactions: specific reactions.
  • fr : Réactions nucléaires: réactions spécifiques.

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme