Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B20I Experimental methods and instrumentation for elementary-particle and nuclear physics.

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B20 Nuclear physics.
        • 001B20I Experimental methods and instrumentation for elementary-particle and nuclear physics.
          • 001B20I17 Electrostatic, collective, and linear accelerators.
          • 001B20I20 Cyclic accelerators and storage rings.
          • 001B20I25 Particle sources and targets.
          • 001B20I27 Beams in particle accelerators. (Ver también 001B40A85)
          • 001B20I30 Spectrometers and spectroscopic techniques.
          • 001B20I40 Radiation detectors, dosimeters.
          • 001B20I50 Computer interfaces.
          • 001B20I85 Computer data analysis.
          • 001B20I90 Other topics in elementary-particle and nuclear physics experimental methods and instrumentation.


  • en : Experimental methods and instrumentation for elementary-particle and nuclear physics.
  • fr : Méthodes expérimentales et appareillage pour les particules élémentaires et la physique nucléaire.

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme