Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B30D50D Interactions of atoms, molecules and their ions with surfaces; photon and electron emission; neutralization of ions.

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B30 Atomic and molecular physics. (Ver también 002A03G, 002A03F, 001C)
        • 001B30D Atomic and molecular collision processes and interactions.
          • 001B30D50 Scattering of atoms, molecules and ions. (Ver también 001B60A18B)
            • 001B30D50D Interactions of atoms, molecules and their ions with surfaces; photon and electron emission; neutralization of ions.


  • fr : Interactions des atomes, molécules et de leurs ions avec les surfaces; émissions photonique et électronique; neutralisation des ions.
  • en : Interactions of atoms, molecules and their ions with surfaces; photon and electron emission; neutralization of ions.

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme