Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

001B50B77F High-pressure and high-current plasmas (plasma spray, arc welding, etc.)

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001B Physics
      • 001B50 Physics of gases, plasmas and electric discharges.
        • 001B50B Physics of plasmas and electric discharges.
          • 001B50B77 Plasma applications.
            • 001B50B77F High-pressure and high-current plasmas (plasma spray, arc welding, etc.)


  • en : High-pressure and high-current plasmas (plasma spray, arc welding, etc.)
  • fr : Plasmas à pression et courant élevés (pulvérisation assistée par plasma, soudage à l?arc, etc.)

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme