Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases

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001C02B01 Elements and non-metal compounds (oxides, hydroxides, hydrides, sulfides, carbides, ...).

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001C Chemistry. (See also 001B30)
      • 001C02 Inorganic chemistry and origins of life. (See also 001D06B07, 001B30C15)
        • 001C02B Preparations and properties.
          • 001C02B01 Elements and non-metal compounds (oxides, hydroxides, hydrides, sulfides, carbides, ...).


  • fr : Corps simples et composés non métalliques (oxydes, hydroxydes, hydrures, sulfures, carbures, ...).
  • en : Elements and non-metal compounds (oxides, hydroxides, hydrides, sulfides, carbides, ...).

SKOS Notation


In the plan

Pascal Classification Scheme