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001E03D38 Interstellar medium (ISM) and nebulae in Milky Way.

  • 001 Exact sciences and technology.
    • 001E Earth, ocean, space. (See also 001D14F, 001D06B02B, 001D06B01B, 001C02D)
      • 001E03 Astronomy.
        • 001E03D Stellar systems. Galactic and extragalactic objects and systems. The Universe.
          • 001E03D38 Interstellar medium (ISM) and nebulae in Milky Way.
            • 001E03D38A Physical properties (abundances, electron density, magnetic fields, scintillation, scattering, kinematics, dynamics, turbulence, etc.).
            • 001E03D38B Atomic, molecular, chemical, and grain processes.
            • 001E03D38C Interstellar dust grains ; diffuse emission ; infrared cirrus..
            • 001E03D38D Molecular clouds, H2 clouds, dense clouds, and dark clouds.
            • 001E03D38E Interstellar masers.
            • 001E03D38F Jets, outflows, and bipolar flows.
            • 001E03D38G H I regions and 21-cm lines ; diffuse, translucent, and high-velocity clouds.
            • 001E03D38H H II regions. Emission and reflection nebulae.
            • 001E03D38J Infrared emission. (See also 001E03D70L)
            • 001E03D38K Intercloud medium (ICM) ; hot and highly ionized gas ; bubbles.
            • 001E03D38L Planetary nebulae.
            • 001E03D38M Supernova remnants.


  • en : Interstellar medium (ISM) and nebulae in Milky Way.
  • fr : Milieu interstellaire et nébuleuses dans La Galaxie.

SKOS Notation


In the plan

Pascal Classification Scheme