Bases de datos bibliográficos Pascal y Francis

Búsqueda por clasificación

002A25 Vertebrates: nervous system and sense organs.

  • 002 Biological and medical sciences. (Ver también 001C02D)
    • 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. psychology.
      • 002A25 Vertebrates: nervous system and sense organs. (Ver también 002B02B09, 002A26E, 002A04H12)
        • 002A25A General aspects. Models. Methods.
        • 002A25B Cerebral circulation. Blood-brain barrier. Choroid plexus. Cerebrospinal fluid. Circumventricular organ. Meninges.
        • 002A25C Isolated neuron and nerve. Neuroglia.
        • 002A25D Central nervous system.
        • 002A25E Motor control and motor pathways. Reflexes. Control centers of vegetative functions. Vestibular system and equilibration.
        • 002A25F Somesthesis and somesthetic pathways (proprioception, exteroception, nociception); interoception; electrolocation. Sensory receptors.
        • 002A25G Peripheral nervous system. Autonomic nervous system. Neuromuscular transmission. Ganglionic transmission. Electric organ.
        • 002A25H Ear and associated structures. Auditory pathways and centers. Hearing. Vocal organ. Phonation. Sound production. Echolocation.
        • 002A25I Eye and associated structures. Visual pathways and centers. Vision. (Ver también 002A04H13)
        • 002A25J Olfactory system and olfaction. Gustatory system and gustation.
        • 002A25K Sleep. Vigilance.
        • 002A25L Development. Senescence. Regeneration. Transplantation. (Ver también 002A16)


  • en : Vertebrates: nervous system and sense organs.
  • fr : Vertébrés: système nerveux et organes des sens.

Nota práctica

  • Contrôle nerveux des fonctions, voir aussi: aux systèmes concernés. Hormones et neuropeptides d'origine hypothalamohypophysaire, voir: 002A28. Neuromédiateurs et neurotransmission, voir aussi: 002A04, 002B02B. Perception, voir aussi: 002A26E.
  • Neural control of functions, see also: systems. Hypothalamohypohyseal hormones and neuropeptides, see: 002A28. Neurotransmitters and neurotransmission, see also: 002A04, 002B02B. Perception, see also: 002A26E.

Notación SKOS


En el plan

Pascal Classification Scheme