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The endothelin family : An overview

MASAKI, Tomoh1
[1] Research Institute of National Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Conference title
Endothelins and Cardiovascular Disease: Proceedings of a satellite symposium to the 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Padua, Italy, June 12-13, 1998
Conference name
Endothelins and Cardiovascular Disease. Satellite Symposium (Padua 1998-06-12)
Author (monograph)
ROSSI, Gian Paolo (Editor)1 ; LüSCHER, Thomas F (Editor)2 3 ; PESSINA, Achille C (Editor)1
[1] Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
[2] Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, Instituteof Physiology, Un iversity of Zürich, Switzerland
[3] Division of Cardiology, University Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland

Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. Supplement. 2000, Vol 35, Num 2, pp S3-S5 ; ref : 10 ref

Scientific domain
Cardiology, blood circulation, phlebology; Pharmacology drugs
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Hagerstown, MD
Publication country
United States
Document type
Conference Paper
Keyword (fr)
Activité biologique Animal Appareil circulatoire Cellule endothéliale Contrôle cardiovasculaire Culture primaire Endothéline In vitro In vivo Pression artérielle Rat Régulation Vaisseau sanguin Vasoconstricteur Voie intraveineuse Hormone peptide Mammalia Rodentia Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Biological activity Animal Circulatory system Endothelial cell Cardiovascular control Primary culture Endothelin In vitro In vivo Arterial pressure Rat Regulation(control) Blood vessel Vasoconstrictor agent Intravenous administration Peptide hormone Mammalia Rodentia Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Actividad biológica Animal Aparato circulatorio Célula endotelial Control cardiovascular Cultivo primario Endothelina In vitro In vivo Presión arterial Rata Regulación Vaso sanguíneo Vasoconstrictor Vía intravenosa Hormona péptido Mammalia Rodentia Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A22 Vertebrates: cardiovascular system / 002A22B Hemodynamics. Rheology

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B12 Cardiology. Vascular system / 002B12B Blood and lymphatic vessels / 002B12B05 Arterial hypertension. Arterial hypotension / 002B12B05B Clinical manifestations. Epidemiology. Investigative techniques. Etiology

Cardiology. Circulatory system Vertebrates : cardiovascular system
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