Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases



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Protein oxidation and other topics

FOX, Charles1
[1] Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine, 362 S. Schmale Road, Carol Strefam, IL 60188-2787, United States

Cosmetics and toiletries. 2002, Vol 117, Num 8, pp 34-40, 5 p ; ref : 23 ref

Scientific domain
Chemical industry parachemical industry
Allured, Carol Stream, IL
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Acide pentétique Agent surface Allergène Artocarpus Biosynthèse Bétaméthasone dipropionate Cheveu Corps Cosmétique Dermatite contact Emulsion eau huile eau Emulsion eau huile Emulsion huile eau Flavonoïde Formulation Homme Inhibiteur enzyme Inhibition Irritation Isoflavone dérivé Lotion Mascara Matière première Mécanisme Mélanine Métal transition Nettoyage Origine végétale Oxydation Peau Polyélectrolyte Produit capillaire Produit doux Produit hydratant Produit maquillage Protéine Prévention Rayonnement UV Shampooing Uréthanne polymère Vecteur médicament Vieillissement Autobronzant Angiospermae Dicotyledones Moraceae Peau pathologie Spermatophyta
Keyword (en)
Pentetic acid Surfactant Allergen Artocarpus Biosynthesis Hair (head) Body Cosmetic Contact dermatitis Water oil water emulsion Water oil emulsion Oil water emulsion Flavonoid Formulation Human Enzyme inhibitor Inhibition Irritation Isoflavone derivatives Lotion Mascara Raw materials Mechanism Melanin Transition metal Cleaning Plant origin Oxidation Skin Polyelectrolyte Hair product Mild product Moisturizing product Makeup product Protein Prevention Ultraviolet radiation Shampoo Polyurethane Drug carrier Ageing Self tanning Angiospermae Dicotyledones Moraceae Skin disease Spermatophyta
Keyword (es)
Acido pentético Agente superficie Alergeno Artocarpus Biosíntesis Cabello Cuerpo Cosmético Dermatitis de contacto Emulsión agua aceite agua Emulsión agua aceite Emulsión aceite agua Flavonoide Formulación Hombre Inhibidor enzima Inhibición Irritación Loción Sombreador Materia prima Mecanismo Melanina Metal transición Limpieza Origen vegetal Oxidación Piel Polielectrolito Producto capilar Producto suave Producto hidratante Producto maquillaje Proteína Prevención Radiación ultravioleta Champú Uretano polímero Vector medicamento Envejecimiento Angiospermae Dicotyledones Moraceae Piel patología Spermatophyta
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D08 Chemical industry and chemicals / 001D08D Washing products. Cosmetics and toiletries. Perfumes / 001D08D02 Cosmetics, toiletries

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A08 Tissues, organs and organisms biophysics / 002A08F Biological effects of radiation / 002A08F01 Non ionizing radiations. Hertzian waves. Biooptics

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A19 Vertebrates: skin, associated glands, phaneres, light organs, various exocrine glands (salt gland, uropygial gland...), adipose tissue, connective tissue

Biophysics of tissues, organs and organisms Chemical and parachemical industries Vertebrates : skin, associated glands, phaneres, light organs, various exocrine glands, adipose tissue, connective tissue
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