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An implantable neuroprosthesis for restoring bladder and bowel control to patients with Spinal cord injuries : A multicenter trial

CREASEY, Graham H1 ; GRILL, Julie H2 ; KORSTEN, Mark3 ; HOI SANG U4 ; BETZ, Randall5 ; ANDERSON, Rodney6 ; WALTER, James7
[1] Louis Stokes Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, MetroHealth Medical Center, and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
[2] NeuroControl Corporation, Cleveland, OH, United States
[3] Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx, NY, United States
[4] VA San Diego Health Care System and University of California, San Diego Medical Center, San Diego, CA, United States
[5] Shriners Hospitals for Children, Philadelphia Unit, Philadelphia, PA, United States
[6] Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, United States
[7] Edward Hines, Jr Veterans Affairs Hospital, Hines, IL, United States
Implanted Neuroprosthesis Research Group, United States

Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2001, Vol 82, Num 11, pp 1512-1519 ; ref : 24 ref

Scientific domain
Orthopedics traumatology
Elsevier, New York, NY
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Complication Contrôle sphinctérien Efficacité traitement Homme Intestin pathologie Lésion Moelle épinière Nerf sacré Prothèse Rhizotomie Stimulation instrumentale Technique Traitement Vessie neurogène Appareil digestif pathologie Appareil urinaire pathologie Moelle épinière pathologie Système nerveux central pathologie Système nerveux pathologie Traitement instrumental Trouble neurologique Vessie pathologie Voie urinaire pathologie
Keyword (en)
Complication Sphincteral control Treatment efficiency Human Intestinal disease Lesion Spinal cord Sacral nerve Prosthesis Rhizotomy Instrumental stimulation Technique Treatment Neurogenic bladder Digestive diseases Urinary system disease Spinal cord disease Central nervous system disease Nervous system diseases Instrumentation therapy Neurological disorder Bladder disease Urinary tract disease
Keyword (es)
Complicación Control esfinteriano Eficacia tratamiento Hombre Intestino patología Lesión Médula espinal Nervio sagrado Prótesis Rizotomía Estimulación instrumental Técnica Tratamiento Vejiga neurógena Aparato digestivo patología Aparato urinario patología Médula espinal patología Sistema nervosio central patología Sistema nervioso patología Tratamiento instrumental Trastorno neurológico Vejiga patología Vía urinaria patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B26 Radiotherapy. Instrumental treatment. Physiotherapy. Reeducation. Rehabilitation, orthophony, crenotherapy. Diet therapy and various other treatments (general aspects) / 002B26I Diseases of the nervous system

Radiotherapy. Instrumental treatment. Physiotherapy. Reeducation. Rehabilitation, speech therapy, crenotherapy. Dietary management and various treatments
INIST identifier

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