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Impact of epidermal growth factor receptor expression on survival and pattern of relapse in patients with advanced head and neck carcinoma

ANG, K. Kian1 ; BERKEY, Brian A2 ; XIAOYU TU3 ; ZHANG, Hua-Zhong4 ; KATZ, Ruth5 ; HAMMOND, Elizabeth H6 ; FU, Karen K7 ; MILAS, Luka3
[1] Department of Radiation Oncology,, The University of Texas M. D. Andersen Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, United States
[2] Department of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, The University of Texas M. D. Andersen Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, United States
[3] Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Andersen Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, United States
[4] Department of Anatomical Pathology Services Cytology, The University of Texas M. D. Andersen Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, United States
[5] Department of Pathology-Patient Care, The University of Texas M. D. Andersen Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, United States
[6] Department of Pathology, LDS Hospital, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84143, United States
[7] Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143, United States

Cancer research (Baltimore). 2002, Vol 62, Num 24, pp 7350-7356, 7 p ; ref : 39 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Pharmacology drugs
American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Anticancéreux Carcinome Efficacité traitement Essai clinique phase III Expression génique Facteur croissance épiderme Facteur prédictif Homme Pronostic Radiothérapie Récepteur facteur croissance Récidive Stade avancé Survie Tissu tumoral Traitement Tumeur maligne Tête cou Récepteur EGFR ORL pathologie
Keyword (en)
Antineoplastic agent Carcinoma Treatment efficiency Phase III trial Gene expression Epidermal growth factor Predictive factor Human Prognosis Radiotherapy Growth factor receptor Relapse Advanced stage Survival Tumoral tissue Treatment Malignant tumor Head and neck Epidermal growth factor receptor ENT disease
Keyword (es)
Anticanceroso Carcinoma Eficacia tratamiento Ensayo clínico fase III Expresión genética Factor crecimiento epidermi Factor predictivo Hombre Pronóstico Radioterapia Receptor factor crecimiento Recaida Estadio avanzado Sobrevivencia Tejido tumoral Tratamiento Tumor maligno Cabeza cuello ORL patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B10 Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology / 002B10A Otorhinolaryngology (head neck, general aspects and miscellaneous) / 002B10A01 Tumors

Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology
INIST identifier

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