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New approach for bone marrow transplantation in patients with class 3 thalassemia aged younger than 17 years

SODANI, Pietro; GAZIEV, David; LUCARELLI, Barbarella; CLIFT, Reginald A; LUCARELLI, Guido1 ; POLCHI, Paola; ERER, Buket; GIARDINI, Claudio; ANGELUCCI, Emanuele; BARONCIANI, Donatella; ANDREANI, Marco; MANNA, Marisa; NESCI, Sonia
Clinical Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States
Unità Operativa Ematologia e Centro Trapianto di Midollo Osseo di Muraglia, Azienda Ospedale S. Salvatore di Pesaro, Pesaro, Italy
[1] Mediterranean Institute of Hematology, Rome, Italy

Blood. 2004, Vol 104, Num 4, pp 1201-1203, 3 p ; ref : 12 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Hematology
The Americain Society of Hematology, Washington, DC
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Anticancéreux Antigène histocompatibilité classe I Busulfan Cellule hématopoïétique Cellule souche Cyclophosphamide Donneur Epidémiologie Facteur risque Greffon Histocompatibilité Homme Homogreffe Incidence Locus HLA-A Moelle osseuse Rejet Système HLA Système histocompatibilité majeur Thalassémie Traitement Transplantation Analogue nucléotide Acide alcanesulfonique Agent alkylant Alcanediol Antimétabolite Anémie hémolytique Chirurgie Fluor Composé organique Greffe Hémoglobinopathie Hémopathie Maladie héréditaire Moutarde à l'azote Oxazaphosphinane dérivé Purine nucléotide
Keyword (en)
Antineoplastic agent Class I histocompatibility antigen Busulfan Hematopoietic cell Stem cell Cyclophosphamide Donor Epidemiology Risk factor Graft(material) Histocompatibility Human Homograft Incidence HLA-A-Locus Bone marrow Rejection HLA-System Major histocompatibility system Thalassemia Treatment Transplantation Alkanesulfonic acid Alkylating agent Alkanediol Antimetabolic Hemolytic anemia Surgery Fluorine Organic compounds Graft Hemoglobinopathy Hemopathy Genetic disease Nitrogen mustard Oxazaphosphinane derivatives Purine nucleotide
Keyword (es)
Anticanceroso Antígeno histocompatibilidad clase I Busulfano Célula hematopoyética Célula primitiva Ciclofosfamida Donador Epidemiología Factor riesgo Injerto(material) Histocompatibilidad Hombre Homoinjerto Incidencia Locus HLA-A Médula ósea Rechazo Sistema HLA Sistema histocompatibilidad mayor Talasemia Tratamiento Trasplantación Acido alcanosulfónico Agente alquilante Alcanodiol Antimetabólito Anemia hemolítica Cirugía Fluor Compuesto orgánico Injerto Hemoglobinopatía Hemopatía Enfermedad hereditaria Mostaza al nitrógeno Oxazafosfinano derivado Purina nucleótido
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B19 Hematologic and hematopoietic diseases / 002B19A Diseases of red blood cells / 002B19A01 Anemias. Hemoglobinopathies

Blood diseases
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