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Phytophthora ramorum : Integrative research and management of an emerging pathogen in California and Oregon forests

RIZZO, David M1 ; GARBELOTTO, Matteo2 ; HANSEN, Everett M3
[1] Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, California 95616, United States
[2] Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Ecosystem Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States
[3] Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, United States

Annual review of phytopathology. 2005, Vol 43, pp 309-335, 27 p ; Illustration ; ref : 106 ref

Scientific domain
Agronomy, agriculture, phytopathology
Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
epidemiology forest pathology management molecular diagnostics sudden oak death
Keyword (fr)
Article synthèse Biologie moléculaire Cycle développement Diagnostic Ecologie Epidémiologie Etude impact Foresterie Forêt ombrophile Forêt Gestion intégrée Horticulture Lutte phytosanitaire Maladie émergente Mycologie Mycose Méthodologie Phytopathogène Phytopathologie Phytophthora Quercus Recherche appliquée Recherche scientifique Relation hôte agent Sylvicole Végétation méditerranéenne Zone côtière ETATS DE L'OUEST (EU) ETATS DU PACIFIQUE (EU) Lithocarpus densiflorus Méthode moléculaire Pathologie forestière Phytophthora ramorum Quercus agrifolia Californie Oregon Angiospermae Arbre forestier feuillu Arbre forestier Arbuste Dicotyledones Fagaceae Fungi Infection Phycomycetes Plante feuillage persistant Région géographique Spermatophyta Thallophyta Amérique du Nord Amérique Etats Unis
Keyword (en)
Review Molecular biology Life cycle Diagnosis Ecology Epidemiology Impact study Forestry Rain forest Forests Integrated management Horticulture Pest and disease control Emerging disease Mycology Mycosis Methodology Plant pathogen Plant pathology Phytophthora Quercus Applied research Scientific research Host agent relation Silvicolous Mediterranean vegetation Coastal zone Lithocarpus densiflorus molecular methods Forest pathology Phytophthora ramorum California Oregon Angiospermae Hardwood forest tree Forest tree Small tree Dicotyledones Fagaceae Fungi Infection Phycomycetes Evergreen plant Geographical division Spermatophyta Thallophyta North America America United States
Keyword (es)
Artículo síntesis Biología molecular Ciclo desarrollo Diagnóstico Ecología Epidemiología Estudio impacto Ciencias forestales Bosque hidrofitico Bosque Gestión integrada Horticultura Lucha fitosanitaria Enfermedad emergente Micología Micosis Metodología Fitopatógeno Fitopatología Phytophthora Quercus Investigación aplicada Investigación científica Relación huesped agente Selvícola Vegetación mediterránea Zona costera Lithocarpus densiflorus Método molecular Patología forestal Phytophthora ramorum California Oregon Angiospermae Arbol forestal frondoso Arbol forestal Arbusto Dicotyledones Fagaceae Fungi Infección Phycomycetes Planta siempreverde Región geografica Spermatophyta Thallophyta America del norte America Estados Unidos
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A34 Phytopathology. Animal pests. Plant and forest protection / 002A34G Fungal plant pathogens / 002A34G01 Generalities. Techniques

Phytopathology. Agricultural zoology. Crops and forests protection
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