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Potential sedimentation impacts related to dam removal : Icicle Creek, Washington, U.S.A

LORANG, Mark S1 ; AGGETT, Graeme2
[1] Division of Biological Sciences, Flathead Lake Biological Station, The University of Montana, 311 Bio Station Lane, Polson, MT 59806-9659, United States
[2] Center for Spatial Information (CSI), RGIS-Pacific Northwest, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7420, United States
Conference title
Dams and geomorphology: 33rd Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, October 12-13, 2002, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Conference name
Binghamton International Geomorphology Symposium (33 ; Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 2002-10-12)
Author (monograph)
BEYER, Patricia J (Editor)1
Association of American Geographers, Geomorphology Specialty Group, Washington, DC, United States (Organiser of meeting)
[1] Department of Geography and Geosciences, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, 400 E. Second Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815, United States

Geomorphology (Amsterdam). 2005, Vol 71, Num 1-2, pp 182-201, 20 p ; Illustration , Table ; ref : 20 ref

Scientific domain
Elsevier, Amsterdam
Publication country
Document type
Conference Paper
Author keyword
Dam removal Flushing flows Rivers Sedimentation Streams
Keyword (fr)
Actuel Barrage Barre Bassin versant Carte Chenal Configuration lit Cours eau Dimension grain Distribution dimension Débit rivière Etude impact milieu Faune poisson Habitat Ile Milieu eau douce Morphodynamique Photographie aérienne Profondeur Qualité eau Rivière Système GPS Sédimentation lacustre Transport fluviatile Volume sédiment Washington Amérique du Nord Chordata Pisces Vertebrata Etats Unis
Keyword (en)
modern dams bars drainage basins maps channels bedforms streams grain size size distribution river discharge impact statements fish habitat islands fresh-water environment landform evolution aerial photography depth water quality rivers Global Positioning System lacustrine sedimentation stream transport sediment volume Washington North America Chordata Pisces Vertebrata United States
Keyword (es)
Actual Presa Barra Cuenca Mapa Canal Configuración lecho (río) Curso agua Dimensión grano Caudal río Estudio impacto medio Fauna pez Habitat Isla Medio agua dulce Morfodinámica Fotografía aérea Profundidad Calidad agua Río Sedimentación lacustre Transporte fluvial Volumen de sedimentos Washingtón America del norte Chordata Pisces Vertebrata Estados Unidos
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E01 Earth sciences / 001E01P Surficial geology / 001E01P01 Geomorphology, landform evolution

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E01 Earth sciences / 001E01P Surficial geology / 001E01P02 Marine and continental quaternary

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A14 Animal, plant and microbial ecology / 002A14B Animal and plant ecology / 002A14B04 Synecology / 002A14B04C Fresh water ecosystems

Animal, vegetal and microbial ecology Earth sciences
INIST identifier

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