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The gundestrup cauldron : New scientific and technical investigations

NIELSEN, Svend1 ; ANDERSEN, Jan Holme2 ; MüLLER, Katharina10 ; NADEAU, Marie-Josee11 ; RÖHRS, Stefan12 ; STEGE, Heike13 ; STOS, Zofia Anna14 15 ; WAIGHT, Tod E16 ; BAKER, Joel A3 4 ; CHRISTENSEN, Charlie5 ; GLASTRUP, Jens; GROOTES, Pieter M6 ; HüLS, Matthias6 ; JOUTTIJÄRVI, Arne7 ; LARSEN, Erling Benner8 ; MADSEN, Helge Brinch9
[1] National Museum of Denmark Frederiksholms Kanal 12, 1220 Copenhagen, Denmark
[2] Conservator The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Conservation Esplanaden 34, 1263 Copenhagen, Denmark
[3] Danish Lithosphere Centre Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark
[4] School of Earth Sciences Victoria University of Wellington P.O. Box 600 Wellington New Zealand Charlie Christensen, Cand. Scient. National Museum of Denmark Ny Vestergade 11, 1471 Copenhage, Denmark
[5] Jens Glastrup, Cand. Scient. National Museum of Denmark Department of Conservation, Laboratory P.O. Box 260, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
[6] Labor Christian-Albrechts-Universität Max-Eyth Strasse 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany
[7] MSC in Engineering Heimdal-archaeometry Skovledet 30, 2830, Virum, Denmark
[8] Conservator Brandstrupvej 10, 4293 Dianalund, Denmark
[9] Conservator, Cand. Phil. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Conservation Esplanaden 34, 1263 Copenhagen, Denmark
[10] Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Chemie Strasse des 17.Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
[11] Labor Christian-Albrechts -Universitat Max-Eyth Strasse 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany
[12] Technische Universität Berlin Institut fiir Chemie Strasse des 17.Juni 135, 1062 Berlin, Germany
[13] Doerner-Institut Bayrische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Barer Strasse 29, 80799 Munich, Germany
[14] Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art University of Oxford 6 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QJ, United Kingdom
[15] UniSdirect University of Surrey Senate House, Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom
[16] Danish Lithosphere Center Geological Institute University of Copenhagen Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark

Acta archaeologica. 2005, Vol 76, Num 2, pp 1-58, 58 p ; ref : 1 p.3/4

Scientific domain
Blackwell, København
Publication country
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Analyse isotopique Chaudron Métallurgie Objet en argent Gundestrup Danemark Celte La Tène Europe Age du Fer
Keyword (en)
Isotope Analysis Cauldron Metallurgy Silver object Denmark Celt La Tene Europe Iron Age
525 Prehistory and protohistory / 525-46 Europe / 525-69 North West Europe / 525-80 Metal Ages / 525-83 Iron Age

Prehistory and protohistory
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