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Multisite controlled study of OROS methylphenidate in the treatment of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

WILENS, Timothy E1 ; MCBURNETT, Keith2 ; BAILEY, Charles E11 ; KRATOCHVIL, Christopher J12 ; COURY, Daniel13 ; CASAT, Charles14 ; DENISCO, Mary Joan C15 ; HALSTEAD, Patricia15 ; BLOOM, Leslie15 ; ZIMMERMAN, Brenda A15 ; GU, Joan15 ; COOPER, Kimberly M15 ; BUKSTEIN, Oscar3 ; LYNCH, Joseph M15 ; MCGOUGH, James4 ; GREENHILL, Laurence5 ; LERNER, Marc6 ; STEIN, Mark A7 ; CONNERS, C. Keith8 ; DUBY, John9 ; NEWCORN, Jeffrey10
[1] Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, United States
[2] The Children's Center at Langley Porter, University of California, San Francisco, United States
[3] Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, United States
[4] Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
[5] New York State Psychiatric Institute, United States
[6] Department of Pediatrics, University of California, Irvine, United States
[7] Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, United States
[8] Duke University Medical Center, Durham, United States
[9] Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron, Akron, United States
[10] Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, United States
[11] CNS Healthcare Orlando Research Center, Orlando, Fla, United States
[12] Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, United States
[13] Columbus Children's Hospital, Columbus Ohio, United States
[14] Behavioral Health Center, Charlotte NC, United States
[15] McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, Fort Washington, Pa, United States

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. 2006, Vol 160, Num 1, pp 82-90, 9 p ; ref : 56 ref

Scientific domain
American Medical Association, Chicago, IL
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Adolescent Hyperactivité Méthylphénidate Psychotrope Pédiatrie Stimulant SNC Traitement Trouble de l'attention avec hyperactivité Trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité Homme Pipéridine dérivé
Keyword (en)
Adolescent Hyperactivity Methylphenidate Psychotropic Pediatrics CNS stimulant Treatment Attention disorder with hyperactivity Attention disorder with hyperactivity Human Piperidine derivatives
Keyword (es)
Adolescente Hiperactividad Metilfenidato Psicotropo Pediatría Estimulante SNC Tratamiento Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad Hombre Piperidina derivado
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B01 General aspects

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