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Interleukin-18 levels are not associated with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in a community population The Perth Carotid Ultrasound Disease Assessment Study (CUDAS)

CHAPMAN, Caroline M. L1 ; MCQUILLAN, Brendan M2 3 ; BEILBY, John P1 4 ; THOMPSON, Peter L2 3 ; HUNG, Joseph2 3
[1] Clinical Biochemistry, PathWest, QEII Medical Centre, Perth, WA, Australia
[2] Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Campus of the Heart Research Institute of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
[3] School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
[4] School of Surgery and Pathology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia

Atherosclerosis. 2006, Vol 189, Num 2, pp 414-419, 6 p ; ref : 28 ref

Scientific domain
Cardiology, blood circulation, phlebology
Elsevier, Amsterdam
Publication country
Document type
Author keyword
Atherosclerosis Carotid arteries Inflammation Interleukin-18 Ultrasound
Keyword (fr)
Appareil circulatoire pathologie Asymptomatique Athérosclérose Carotide Caucasoïde Cholestérol LDL Cytokine Facteur risque Fibrinogène Hanche Homme Hypertension artérielle Immunité Inflammation Interleukine 6 Interleukine Lipoprotéine HDL Pression artérielle Pression sanguine Prévalence Tabagisme Triglycéride Ultrason Appareil circulatoire Artère Hémodynamique Lipide Vaisseau sanguin pathologie Vaisseau sanguin
Keyword (en)
Cardiovascular disease Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis Carotid Caucasoid Cholesterol LDL Cytokine Risk factor Fibrinogen Hip Human Hypertension Immunity Inflammation Interleukin 6 Interleukin Lipoprotein HDL Arterial pressure Blood pressure Prevalence Tobacco smoking Triglyceride Ultrasound Circulatory system Artery Hemodynamics Lipids Vascular disease Blood vessel
Keyword (es)
Aparato circulatorio patología Asintomático Ateroesclerosis Carótida Caucásico Colesterol LDL Citoquina Factor riesgo Fibrinógeno Cadera Hombre Hipertensión arterial Inmunidad Inflamación Interleuquina 6 Interleuquina Lipoproteina HDL Presión arterial Presión sanguínea Prevalencia Tabaquismo Triglicérido Ultrasonido Aparato circulatorio Arteria Hemodinámica Lípido Vaso sanguíneo patología Vaso sanguíneo
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B12 Cardiology. Vascular system / 002B12B Blood and lymphatic vessels / 002B12B01 Atherosclerosis (general aspects, experimental research)

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B12 Cardiology. Vascular system / 002B12B Blood and lymphatic vessels / 002B12B03 Diseases of the peripheral vessels. Diseases of the vena cava. Miscellaneous

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B17 Neurology / 002B17C Vascular diseases and vascular malformations of the nervous system

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B25 Surgery (general aspects). Transplantations, organ and tissue grafts. Graft diseases / 002B25J Neurosurgery / 002B25J01 Skull, brain, vascular surgery

Cardiology. Circulatory system Neurology Surgery. Transplants, organs and tissues grafting. Graft pathologies
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