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Ranking of simultaneously presented choice options in animal preference experiments

HALEKOH, Ulrich1 ; JØRGENSEN, Erik1 ; JENSEN, Margit Bak2 ; PEDERSEN, Lene Juul2 ; STUDNITZ, Merete3 ; HØJSGAARD, Søren1
[1] Research Unit of Statistics and Decision Analysis, Research Centre Foulum, P.O. 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark
[2] Research Unit for Behaviour and Stress Biology, Research Centre Foulum, P.O. 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark
[3] Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, National Centre, Pigs, Udkærsvej 15, 8200 Århus, Denmark

Biometrical journal. = Biometrische Zeitschrift. 2007, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 599-612, 14 p ; ref : 1 p.1/4

Scientific domain
Biomedical engineering; Mathematics
Wiley-VCH, Berlin
Publication country
Document type
Author keyword
Bayes inference Ethology Markov chain Monte Carlo Multinomial mixed logistic Random intercept T-maze
Keyword (fr)
Analyse corrélation Analyse multivariable Analyse numérique Association statistique Biométrie Chaîne Markov Corrélation Distribution logistique Distribution statistique Echantillonnage Estimation Bayes Estimation non paramétrique Estimation statistique Fonction répartition Implémentation Loi a posteriori Loi multinomiale Loi probabilité Mesure répétée Méthode Monte Carlo Méthode non paramétrique Méthode paramétrique Méthode statistique Méthode stochastique Probabilité a posteriori Problème sélection Science vie Statistique rang Test hypothèse Test statistique Théorie approximation Théorie préférence 60E05 60J10 62E17 62F03 62F07 62Fxx 62G10 62H15 62H20 65C05 65C40 Estimation paramétrique Modèle logistique
Keyword (en)
Correlation analysis Multivariate analysis Numerical analysis Statistical association Biometrics Markov chain Correlation Logistic distribution Statistical distribution Sampling Bayes estimation Non parametric estimation Statistical estimation Distribution function Implementation Posterior distribution Multinomial distribution Probability distribution Repeated measurement Monte Carlo method Non parametric method Parametric method Statistical method Stochastic method Posterior probability Selection problem Life science Rank statistic Hypothesis test Statistical test Approximation theory Preference theory Logistic model
Keyword (es)
Análisis correlación Análisis multivariable Análisis numérico Asociación estadística Biometría Cadena Markov Correlación Distribución logística Distribución estadística Muestreo Estimación Bayes Estimación no paramétrica Estimación estadística Función distribución Implementación Ley a posteriori Ley multinomial Ley probabilidad Medida repetida Método Monte Carlo Método no paramétrico Método paramétrico Método estadístico Método estocástico Probabilidad a posteriori Problema selección Ciencia vida Estadística rango Test hipótesis Test estadístico Teoría preferencia
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001A Sciences and techniques of general use / 001A02 Mathematics / 001A02H Probability and statistics / 001A02H02 Statistics / 001A02H02A General topics

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001A Sciences and techniques of general use / 001A02 Mathematics / 001A02H Probability and statistics / 001A02H02 Statistics / 001A02H02G Parametric inference

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001A Sciences and techniques of general use / 001A02 Mathematics / 001A02H Probability and statistics / 001A02H02 Statistics / 001A02H02H Nonparametric inference

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001A Sciences and techniques of general use / 001A02 Mathematics / 001A02H Probability and statistics / 001A02H02 Statistics / 001A02H02N Applications / 001A02H02N3 Biology, psychology, social sciences

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