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Recherche de gènes impliqués dans la germination des semences chez Arabidopsis thaliana

Other title
Identification of genes involved in Arabidopsis thaliana seed germination (en)
Dubreucq, Bertrand; Laboche, Michel (Advisor (for a thesis or dissertation))
Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon, Paris, France (Degree-grantor)

Recherche de gènes impliqués dans la germination des semences chez Arabidopsis thaliana. 1999, 157 p., ref : 234 ref

Thesis number
99 INAP 0004
Document type
Thesis (New Ph.D. thesis)
Keyword (fr)
Acide gras Albumen Arabidopsis thaliana DNA transformant Déterminisme génétique Etude expérimentale Expression génique Facteur transcription Germination Gibbérellique acide Graine Gène indicateur Gène Hydroxylase Marqueur génétique Methyltransferases Mutation Promoteur Semence Extensine Angiospermae Biologie moléculaire Cruciferae Dicotyledones Enzyme Génétique Oxidoreductases Plante expérimentale Spermatophyta Transferases
Keyword (en)
Fatty acids Endosperm Arabidopsis thaliana Transforming DNA Genetic determinism Experimental study Gene expression Transcription factor Germination Gibberellic acid Seeds Reporter gene Gene Hydroxylase Genetic marker Methyltransferases Mutation Promoter Seed Angiospermae Molecular biology Cruciferae Dicotyledones Enzyme Genetics Oxidoreductases Experimental plant Spermatophyta Transferases
Keyword (es)
Acido graso Albumen Arabidopsis thaliana DNA transformante Determinismo genético Estudio experimental Expresión genética Factor transcripción Germinación Giberelico ácido Semillas Gen marcador Gen Hydroxylase Marcador genético Methyltransferases Mutación Promotor Semilla Angiospermae Biología molecular Cruciferae Dicotyledones Enzima Genética Oxidoreductases Planta experimental Spermatophyta Transferases
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A04 Molecular and cellular biology / 002A04C Molecular genetics / 002A04C02 Genes. Genome

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A10 Plant physiology and development / 002A10G Germination and dormancy

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A32 Agronomy. Soil science and plant productions / 002A32D Genetics and breeding of economic plants / 002A32D01 Generalities. Genetics. Plant material / 002A32D01B Classical and quantitative genetics. Population genetics. Molecular genetics / 002A32D01B4 Molecular genetics

Agronomy. Soil sciences and vegetal productions Cytology, morphology, systematics, floristics, plants physiology, evolution and development Molecular and cell biology
INIST identifier

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