Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases



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DYNAMIQUES DE RÉGÉNÉRATION ET INTERACTIONS POSITIVES DANS LES SUCCESSIONS VÉGÉTALES. Installation de Buxus sempervirens L. et Quercus humilis Miller sur les pelouses des Grands Causses gérées par le pâturage

Other title
Regeneration dynamics and positive interactions in plant successions. Establishment of Buxus sempervirens L and Quercus humilis Miller in grazed chalk grasslands of Grands Causses (en)
Rousset, Olivier; Delay, Bernard (Advisor (for a thesis or dissertation))
Université de Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France (Degree-grantor)

DYNAMIQUES DE RÉGÉNÉRATION ET INTERACTIONS POSITIVES DANS LES SUCCESSIONS VÉGÉTALES. Installation de Buxus sempervirens L. et Quercus humilis Miller sur les pelouses des Grands Causses gérées par le pâturage. 1999, 260 p., ref : 324 ref

Thesis number
99 MON2 0128
Document type
Thesis (New Ph.D. thesis)
Keyword (fr)
Broutage animal Buxus sempervirens Dynamique végétation Facteur zoogénétique Mouton Palatabilité Plant semis Prairie permanente Préférence alimentaire Pâture Quercus pubescens Relation interspécifique Repousse Sol calcaire Succession végétation Quercus humilis Massif Central Angiospermae Animal élevage Arbre forestier feuillu Arbuste Artiodactyla Buxaceae Dicotyledones Fagaceae Mammalia Plante calcicole Plante ligneuse Pâturage Spermatophyta Ungulata Vertebrata Europe France
Keyword (en)
Browsing Buxus sempervirens Vegetation dynamics Animal effect Sheep Palatability Seedlings Permanent grassland Feeding preference Pasture Quercus pubescens Interspecific relation Regrowth Calcareous soils Vegetation succession Central Massif Angiospermae Farming animal Hardwood forest tree Small tree Artiodactyla Buxaceae Dicotyledones Fagaceae Mammalia Calcicolous plant Woody plant Grazing Spermatophyta Ungulata Vertebrata Europe France
Keyword (es)
Pacedura Buxus sempervirens Dinámica vegetación Factor zoogenético Carnero Palatabilidad Plantón semillero Pradera permanente Preferencia alimentaria Pastizal Quercus pubescens Relación interespecífica Recrecimiento Suelo calcáreo Sucesion vegetal Macizo Central Angiospermae Animal cría Arbol forestal frondoso Arbusto Artiodactyla Buxaceae Dicotyledones Fagaceae Mammalia Planta calcícola Planta leñosa Pastoreo Spermatophyta Ungulata Vertebrata Europa Francia
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A32 Agronomy. Soil science and plant productions / 002A32C General agronomy. Plant production / 002A32C01 Generalities. Agricultural and farming systems. Agricultural development / 002A32C01B General agroecology. Agricultural and farming systems. Agricultural development. Rural area planning. Landscaping / 002A32C01B1 General agroecology

Agronomy. Soil sciences and vegetal productions
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