Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases



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Expression génique de la cellule ES à la souris : deux exemples de piégeage de gènes du développement

Other title
Gene expression in ES cells and in the mouse : two examples of developmental genes trapped (en)
Bessone, Stephanie; Cuzin, Francois (Advisor (for a thesis or dissertation))
Université de Nice, Nice, France (Degree-grantor)

Expression génique de la cellule ES à la souris : deux exemples de piégeage de gènes du développement. 2000, 86 p., ref : 134 ref

Thesis number
00 NICE 5391
Document type
Thesis (New Ph.D. thesis)
Keyword (fr)
Cellule souche Différenciation Embryon Expression génique Facteur transcription Gène Homologie In vivo Lignée cellulaire Mutation Mésoderme Organisation gène Phosphorylation Piégeage Protein kinase Recombinaison homologue Régulation Souris Spécificité tissu Structure doigt zinc Transduction signal Vecteur Enzyme Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Stem cell Differentiation Embryo Gene expression Transcription factor Gene Homology In vivo Cell line Mutation Mesoderm Gene organization Phosphorylation Trapping Protein kinase Homologous recombination Regulation(control) Mouse Tissue specificity Zinc finger structure Signal transduction Vector Enzyme Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Célula primitiva Diferenciación Embrión Expresión genética Factor transcripción Gen Homología In vivo Línea celular Mutación Mesodermo Organización gene Fosforilación Captura Protein kinase Recombinación homólogo Regulación Ratón Especificidad tejido Estructura dedo zinc Transducción señal Vector Enzima Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A04 Molecular and cellular biology / 002A04C Molecular genetics / 002A04C09 Gene expression

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A04 Molecular and cellular biology / 002A04H Cell physiology / 002A04H03 Cell differentiation, maturation, development, hematopoiesis

Molecular and cell biology
INIST identifier

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