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Controls on sediment geochemistry in the Crozet region

MARSH, Richard1 ; MILLS, Rachel A1 ; GREEN, Darryl R. H1 ; SALTER, Ian1 ; TAYLOR, Sarah1
[1] National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton SO14 3ZH, United Kingdom
Issue title
The Crozet Natural Iron Bloom and Export Experiment
Author (monograph)
POLLARD, Raymond (Editor)1 ; SANDERS, Richard (Editor)1 ; LUCAS, Mike (Editor)1 ; STATHAM, Peter (Editor)1
[1] National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton, Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, United Kingdom

Deep-sea research. Part 2. Topical studies in oceanography. 2007, Vol 54, Num 18-20, pp 2260-2274, 15 p ; ref : 1 p.1/4

Scientific domain
Marine biology, limnology; Ecology; Oceanography; Zoology
Elsevier, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Barytine Basalte Carbonate calcium Carotte Déglaciation Elément majeur Exportation Extrapolation Flux massique Haute résolution Holocène Hétérogénéité Ile Microscopie électronique balayage Minéral lourd Niveau mer Oxyde fer Plateau Rayon X Taux accumulation Titane Turbidites Zone frontale polaire Iles Crozet Océan Antarctique Carbonate Cénozoïque Oxyde Phanérozoïque Quaternaire sup Quaternaire Roche clastique Roche ignée Roche sédimentaire Roche volcanique Sulfate Iles Océan Indien Océan Indien
Keyword (en)
barite basalts calcium carbonate drill cores deglaciation major elements export extrapolation Mass flow high resolution Holocene heterogeneity islands scanning electron microscopy heavy minerals sea level iron oxides plateaus X-rays Accumulation rate titanium turbidites Polar frontal zone Crozet Islands Antarctic Ocean carbonates Cenozoic oxides Phanerozoic upper Quaternary Quaternary clastic rocks igneous rocks sedimentary rocks volcanic rocks sulfates Indian Ocean Islands Indian Ocean
Keyword (es)
Barita Basalto Carbonato calcio Testigo Desglaciación Exportación Flujo másico Alta resolucion Holoceno Heterogeneidad Isla Mineral pesado Óxido de hierro Meseta Rayos X Coeficiente acumulación Titanio Turbidita Zona frontal polar Islas Crozet Carbonato Cenozoico Óxido Fanerozoico Cuaternario sup Cuaternario Roca clástica Roca ignea Roca sedimentaria Roca volcánica Sulfato Islas Océano Indico Océano Indico
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E01 Earth sciences / 001E01H Marine geology

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E01 Earth sciences / 001E01P Surficial geology / 001E01P02 Marine and continental quaternary

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E02 External geophysics / 001E02B Physics of the oceans

Earth sciences External geophysics
INIST identifier

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