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Accelerated testing for long-term strength of innovative CFRP laminates for marine use

MIYANO, Yasushi1 ; NAKADA, Masayuki1 ; ICHIMURA, Jun2 ; HAYAKAWA, Eiji2
[1] Materials System Research Laboratory, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 3-1 Yatsukaho, Hakusan, Ishikawa 924-0838, Japan
[2] Graduate School, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 7-1 Ohgigaoka, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921-8501, Japan
Issue title
Marine composites and sandwich structures
Author (monograph)
RAJAPAKSE, Yapa D. S (Editor)1 ; HUI, David (Editor)2
[1] Solid Mechanics Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA 22203, United States
[2] University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70140, United States

Composites. Part B, Engineering. 2008, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 5-12, 8 p ; ref : 21 ref

Scientific domain
Chemical industry parachemical industry; Mechanics acoustics; Metallurgy, welding; Polymers, paint and wood industries
Elsevier, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
A. Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) Accelerated testing B. Fracture B. Strength
Keyword (fr)
Absorption eau Durabilité Etude expérimentale Fibre carbone Fibre minérale Matériau composite Matériau renforcé fibre Milieu aqueux Propriété mécanique Propriété rhéologique Résistance flexion Stratifié Superposition température temps Tissu textile Tissu tricoté Vieillissement accéléré Vieillissement thermique Vinylester résine Viscoélasticité
Keyword (en)
Water absorption Durability Experimental study Carbon fiber Mineral fiber Composite material Fiber reinforced material Aqueous medium Mechanical properties Rheological properties Bending strength Laminate Temperature time superposition Woven material Knitted fabrics Artificial ageing Thermal ageing Vinyl ester resin Viscoelasticity
Keyword (es)
Absorción agua Durabilidad Estudio experimental Fibra carbón Fibra inorgánica Material compuesto Material reforzado fibra Medio acuoso Propiedad mecánica Propiedad reológica Resistencia flexión Estratificado Superposición temperatura tiempo Tela textil Tela tricotada Envejecimiento acelerado Envejecimiento térmico Resina vinilester Viscoelasticidad
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D10 Polymer industry, paints, wood / 001D10A Technology of polymers / 001D10A06 Forms of application and semi-finished materials / 001D10A06I Laminates

Polymer industry, paints, wood
INIST identifier

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