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Alveolar bone regeneration of subcutaneously transplanted rat molar

HOSOYA, Akihiro1 ; NINOMIYA, Tadashi2 ; KASAHARA, Etsuo8 ; OZAWA, Hidehiro2 ; NAKAMURA, Hiroaki1 ; HIRAGA, Toru1 ; CHEN ZHAO3 ; YOSHIBA, Kunihiko4 ; YOSHIBA, Nagako4 ; TAKAHASHI, Masafumi5 ; OKABE, Takahiro6 ; WAKITANI, Shigeyuki7 ; YAMADA, Hirohito8
[1] Department of Oral Histology, Matsumoto Dental University, 1780 Gobara Hirooka, Shiojiri, Nagano 399-0781, Japan
[2] Institute for Dental Science, Matsumoto Dental University, Nagano, Japan
[3] Department of Dental and Oral Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Nagano, Japan
[4] Division of Canology, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Department of Oral Health Science, Course for Oral Life Science, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan
[5] Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, Department of Organ Regeneration, Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagano, Japan
[6] Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagano, Japan
[7] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
[8] Department of Endodontics and Operative Dentistry, Matsumoto Dental University, Nagano, Japan

Bone (New York, NY). 2008, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 350-357, 8 p ; ref : 23 ref

Scientific domain
Orthopedics traumatology; Physiology, morphology
Elsevier Science, New York, NY
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
Alveolar bone regeneration GFP-transgenic rat Osteoprogenitor cell Periodontal ligament Transplantation
Keyword (fr)
Animal Etude expérimentale Ligament alvéolodentaire Molaire Os alvéolaire Parodontopathie Rat Régénération Thérapie cellulaire Traitement Transplantation Chirurgie Greffe Mammalia Rodentia Stomatologie Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Animal Experimental study Periodontal ligament Molar tooth Alveolar bone Periodontal disease Rat Regeneration Cell therapy Treatment Transplantation Surgery Graft Mammalia Rodentia Stomatology Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Animal Estudio experimental Ligamento alveolodental Molar Hueso alveolar Parodontopatía Rata Regeneración Terapia celular Tratamiento Trasplantación Cirugía Injerto Mammalia Rodentia Estomatología Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B10 Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology / 002B10C Facial bones, jaws, teeth, parodontium: diseases, semeiology

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B27 Anesthesia. Intensive care medicine. Transfusions. Cell therapy and gene therapy / 002B27D Transfusions. Complications. Transfusion reactions. Cell and gene therapy / 002B27D03 Applied cell therapy and gene therapy

Anaesthesia. Reanimation. Transfusion. Cell therapy and gene therapy Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology
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