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Pilot Randomized Phase II Study of Celecoxib in Oral Premalignant Lesions

PAPADIMITRAKOPOULOU, Vassiliki A1 ; WILLIAM, William N1 ; NATHAN, Cherie-Ann7 ; HELMAN, Joseph I8 ; BAOHENG DU2 ; YUEH, Bevan9 ; BOYLE, Jay O10 ; DANNENBERG, Andrew J2 ; LIPPMAN, Scott M1 ; LEE, J. Jack3 ; ONDREY, Frank G4 ; PETERSON, Douglas E5 ; LEI FENG3 ; ATWELL, Anthea1 ; EL-NAGGAR, Adel K6
[1] Departments of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States
[2] Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College and New York Presbyterian Hospital, United States
[3] Department of Biostatistics and Applied Mathematics, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States
[4] Department of Otolaryngology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
[5] School of Dental Medicine and Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut, United States
[6] Department of Pathology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States
[7] Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Louisiana State University, Shreveport, Louisiana, United States
[8] Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
[9] Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States
[10] Head and Neck Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, United States

Clinical cancer research. 2008, Vol 14, Num 7, pp 2095-2101, 7 p ; ref : 45 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Pharmacology drugs
American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Célécoxib Essai clinique phase II Homme Lésion précancéreuse de la cavité buccale Randomisation Traitement Enzyme Inhibiteur cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibiteur enzyme Lésion précancéreuse Oxidoreductases Pathologie de la cavité buccale Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase Stomatologie
Keyword (en)
Celecoxib Phase II trial Human Oral premalignant lesion Randomization Treatment Enzyme Cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor Enzyme inhibitor Premalignant lesion Oxidoreductases Oral cavity disease Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase Stomatology
Keyword (es)
Celecoxib Ensayo clínico fase II Hombre Lesión precancerosa de la cavidad bucal Aleatorización Tratamiento Enzima Inhibidor cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibidor enzima Lesión precancerosa Oxidoreductases Cavidad bucal patología Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase Estomatología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B02 Pharmacology. Drug treatments / 002B02R Antineoplastic agents

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B10 Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology / 002B10B Upper respiratory tract, upper alimentary tract, paranasal sinuses, salivary glands: diseases, semeiology / 002B10B01 Tumors

Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology Pharmacological treatments
INIST identifier

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