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Allosteric inhibitors of Aktl and Akt2 : A naphthyridinone with efficacy in an A2780 tumor xenograft model

BILODEAU, Mark T1 ; BALITZA, Adrienne E1 ; SMITH, Anthony M1 ; HUBER, Hans E2 ; HARTMAN, George D1 ; HOFFMAN, Jacob M1 ; MANLEY, Peter J1 ; BARNETT, Stanley F2 ; DEFEO-JONES, Deborah2 ; HASKELL, Kathleen2 ; JONES, Raymond E2 ; LEANDER, Karen2 ; ROBINSON, Ronald G2
[1] Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Merck Research Laboratories, Merck & Co., PO Box 4, West Point, PA 19486, United States
[2] Department of Cancer Research, Merck Research Laboratories, Merck & Co., PO Box 4, West Point, PA 19486, United States

Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters (Print). 2008, Vol 18, Num 11, pp 3178-3182, 5 p

Scientific domain
Biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics; Pharmacology drugs
Elsevier, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Akt Oncology
Keyword (fr)
Akt protein kinase Animal Anticancéreux Cellule tumorale Dérivé de la naphtyridine Dérivé de la pipéridine Dérivé de la pyridine Homme In vitro In vivo Inhibiteur allostérique Inhibiteur enzyme Isozyme Lactame Lignée cellulaire Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase Ovaire Relation structure activité Souris Synthèse chimique Transduction signal 1,2,4-Triazole dérivé 1,6-Naphtyridin-5-one dérivé 1,6-Naphtyridine dérivé Lignée A2780 Naphtyridinone dérivé Enzyme Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Akt protein kinase Animal Antineoplastic agent Tumor cell Naphtyridine derivatives Piperidine derivatives Pyridine derivatives Human In vitro In vivo Allosteric inhibitor Enzyme inhibitor Isozyme Lactam Cell line Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase Ovary Structure activity relation Mouse Chemical synthesis Signal transduction Enzyme Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Akt protein kinase Animal Anticanceroso Célula tumoral Piperidina derivado Piridina derivado Hombre In vitro In vivo Inhibidor alostérico Inhibidor enzima Isozima Lactamo Línea celular Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase Ovario Relación estructura actividad Ratón Síntesis química Transducción señal Enzima Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B02 Pharmacology. Drug treatments / 002B02R Antineoplastic agents / 002B02R01 General aspects

Pharmacological treatments
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