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Age-Related Renal Disease in Female Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats Is Attenuated with 17β-Estradiol Supplementation by Modulating Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression

MARIC, Christine1 2 ; QIN XU1 ; SANDBERG, Kathryn1 2 ; HINOJOSA-LABORDE, Carmen3
[1] Department of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, United States
[2] Georgetown University Center for the Study of Sex Differences in Health, Aging and Disease, Washington, DC, United States
[3] Department of Anesthesiology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas, United States

Gender medicine. 2008, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 147-159, 13 p ; ref : 24 ref

Scientific domain
Gender studies; Hygiene and public health, epidemiology, occupational medicine; General medicine general surgery
Elsevier, Hillsborough, NJ
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
aging estradiol hypertension kidney nitric oxide synthase nitric oxide
Keyword (fr)
17β-Oestradiol Age Animal Estradiol Femelle Hypertension artérielle Monoxyde d'azote Nitric-oxide synthase Néphropathie Pathologie du rein Rat Rein Sel Supplémentation Sénescence Vieillissement Médecine des genres Appareil urinaire Enzyme Hormone ovarienne Hormone stéroïde sexuelle Mammalia Oestrogène Oxidoreductases Pathologie de l'appareil circulatoire Pathologie de l'appareil urinaire Rodentia Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
17β-Estradiol Age Animal Estradiol Female Hypertension Nitric oxide Nitric-oxide synthase Nephropathy Kidney disease Rat Kidney Salt Supplementation Senescence Ageing Gender medicine Urinary system Enzyme Ovarian hormone Sex steroid hormone Mammalia Estrogen Oxidoreductases Cardiovascular disease Urinary system disease Rodentia Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
17β-Estradiol Edad Animal Estradiol Hembra Hipertensión arterial Nitrógeno monóxido Nitric-oxide synthase Nefropatía Riñón patología Rata Riñón Sal Suplementación Senescencia Envejecimiento Medicina de género Aparato urinario Enzima Hormona ovárica Hormona esteroide sexual Mammalia Estrógeno Oxidoreductases Aparato circulatorio patología Aparato urinario patología Rodentia Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B12 Cardiology. Vascular system / 002B12B Blood and lymphatic vessels / 002B12B05 Arterial hypertension. Arterial hypotension

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B30 Public health. Hygiene-occupational medicine / 002B30A Public health. Hygiene / 002B30A11 Miscellaneous

Cardiology. Circulatory system Public health. Hygiene-occupational medicine
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