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Alcohol screening and brief counseling in a primary care hypertensive population : a quality improvement intervention. Commentary

ROSE, Heather Liszka1 ; MILLER, Peter M2 ; NEMETH, Lynne S3 ; JENKINS, Ruth G1 ; NIETERT, Paul J4 ; WESSELL, Andrea M1 5 ; ORNSTEIN, Steven1 ; BALLESTEROS, Javier (Commentator (written text)) 6
[1] Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States
[2] Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States
[3] Clinical Services and College of Nursing, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States
[4] Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States
[5] Department of Pharmacy and Clinical Sciences, South Carolina College of Pharmacy, United States
[6] University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU, Department of Neuroscience-Psychiatry, Campus of Leioa, Barrio Sarriena S/N, Leioa, Spain

Addiction (Abingdon. Print). 2008, Vol 103, Num 8, pp 1271-1282, 12 p ; ref : 48 ref

Scientific domain
Psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry; Toxicology
Blackwell, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Alcohol abuse alcohol counseling alcohol dependence alcohol misuse alcohol screening alcohol use brief intervention high-risk drinking primary care research network
Keyword (fr)
Abus de substance Addiction Alcoolisme Amélioration Boisson alcoolisée Conseil psychologique Consommation Dépendance Dépistage Ethanol Etude critique Homme Hypertension artérielle Intervention brève Population Prise boisson Qualité Recherche scientifique Risque élevé Soin santé primaire Traitement Pathologie de l'appareil circulatoire
Keyword (en)
Substance abuse Addiction Alcoholism Improvement Alcoholic beverage Psychological counseling Consumption Dependence Medical screening Ethanol Critical study Human Hypertension Brief intervention Population Drinking Quality Scientific research High risk Primary health care Treatment Cardiovascular disease
Keyword (es)
Abuso de sustancias Adicción Alcoholismo Mejora Bebida alcohólica Consejo psicológico Consumo Dependencia Descubrimiento Etanol Estudio crítico Hombre Hipertensión arterial Intervención breve Población Toma bebida Calidad Investigación científica Riesgo alto Cuidados salud primaria Tratamiento Aparato circulatorio patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B03 Toxicology / 002B03F Alcoholism and acute alcohol poisoning

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B18 Psychopathology. Psychiatry / 002B18C Adult and adolescent clinical studies / 002B18C05 Addictive behaviors / 002B18C05B Alcoholism

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B30 Public health. Hygiene-occupational medicine / 002B30A Public health. Hygiene / 002B30A03 Prevention and actions

770 Psychology. Psychoanalysis. Psychiatry / 770-D Psychopathology. Psychiatry / 770-D03 Adult and adolescent clinical studies / 770-D03E Addictive behaviors / 770-D03E02 Alcoholism

Psychopathology. Psychiatry. Clinical psychology Public health. Hygiene-occupational medicine Toxicology
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