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Amino acid anthranilamide derivatives as a new class of glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors

EVANS, Karen A1 ; LI, Yue H1 ; TAVARES, Francis2 ; THOMSON, Stephen A2 ; WEIEL, James E2 ; BOUCHERON, Joyce A2 ; CLANCY, Daphne C2 ; EPPERLY, Andrea H2 ; GOLDEN, Pamela L2 ; COPPO, Frank T1 ; GRAYBILL, Todd L1 ; CICHY-KNIGHT, Maria1 ; PATEL, Mehul1 ; GALE, Jennifer1 ; HU LI1 ; THRALL, Sara H1 ; TEW, David1
[1] Discovery Research, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, 1250 South Collegeville Road, PO Box 5089, Collegeville, PA 19426-0989, United States
[2] Metabolic and Viral Diseases Center of Excellence for Drug Discovery, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Five Moore Drive, PO Box 13398, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3398, United States

Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters (Print). 2008, Vol 18, Num 14, pp 4068-4071, 4 p

Scientific domain
Biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics; Pharmacology drugs
Elsevier, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Human liver glycogen phosphorylase,Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors,Solid-phase synthesis
Keyword (fr)
Aminoacide Animal Chlore Composé organique Diabète de type 2 Foie Homme Hypoglycémiant In vitro In vivo Inhibiteur enzyme Pharmacocinétique Phase solide Phosphorylase Rat Relation structure activité Stabilité Synthèse chimique Urées Voie intraveineuse Voie orale Anthranilamide dérivé Aspartique acide(N-[3-(3-[2,6-dichlorophényl]uréido)-2-naphtoyl]) Endocrinopathie Enzyme Glycosyltransferases Hexosyltransferases Maladie métabolique Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
Keyword (en)
Aminoacid Animal Chlorine Organic compounds Type 2 diabetes Liver Human Hypoglycemic agent In vitro In vivo Enzyme inhibitor Pharmacokinetics Solid phase Phosphorylase Rat Structure activity relation Stability Chemical synthesis Ureas Intravenous administration Oral administration Endocrinopathy Enzyme Glycosyltransferases Hexosyltransferases Metabolic diseases Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
Keyword (es)
Aminoácido Animal Cloro Compuesto orgánico Diabetes de tipo 2 Hígado Hombre Hipoglicemiante In vitro In vivo Inhibidor enzima Farmacocinética Fase sólida Phosphorylase Rata Relación estructura actividad Estabilidad Síntesis química Ureas Vía intravenosa Vía oral Endocrinopatía Enzima Glycosyltransferases Hexosyltransferases Metabolismo patología Mammalia Rodentia Transferases Vertebrata
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B02 Pharmacology. Drug treatments / 002B02N General and cellular metabolism. Vitamins

Pharmacological treatments
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