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Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Fluoropolymers as Nanoscopic 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging Agent Assemblies

WENJUN DU1 2 3 ; NYSTRÖM, Andreas M1 2 3 ; LEI ZHANG4 5 6 ; POWELL, Kenya T1 2 3 ; YALI LI1 2 3 ; CHONG CHENG1 2 3 ; WICKLINE, Samuel A4 5 6 ; WOOLEY, Karen L1 2 3
[1] Department of Chemistry, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130, United States
[2] Department of Radiology, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130, United States
[3] Center for Materials Innovation, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130, United States
[4] Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63110, United States
[5] Department of Cardiology, Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63110, United States
[6] Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63110, United States

Biomacromolecules. 2008, Vol 9, Num 10, pp 2826-2833, 8 p

Scientific domain
Biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics; Polymers, paint and wood industries
American Chemical Society, Washington, DC
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Acrylate d'alkyle copolymère Acrylate de butyle copolymère Acrylique acide copolymère Agent contraste résonance magnétique Autocondensation Copolymère fluor Copolymère ramifié Copolymérisation radicalaire Etude expérimentale Fluor 19 Hydrolyse Imagerie RMN Micellisation Modification chimique Méthacrylate d'alkyle copolymère Polymère amphiphile Polymérisation transfert atome Préparation Rapport signal bruit Rayon hydrodynamique Réaction successive Solution aqueuse Solution micellaire Styrène copolymère Acrylate de lauryle copolymère Acrylate de t-butyle copolymère Copolymère hyperramifié Méthacrylate de 2,2,2-trifluoroéthyle copolymère
Keyword (en)
Alkyl acrylate copolymer Butyl acrylate copolymer Acrylic acid copolymer Magnetic resonance contrast agent Self condensation Fluorine containing copolymer Branched copolymer Radical copolymerization Experimental study Fluorine 19 Hydrolysis Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging Micellization Chemical modification Alkyl methacrylate copolymer Amphiphilic polymer Atom transfer polymerization Preparation Signal to noise ratio Hydrodynamic radius Successive reaction Aqueous solution Micellar solution Styrene copolymer
Keyword (es)
Acrilato de alquilo copolímero Acrilato de butilo copolímero Acrílico ácido copolímero Agente contraste resonancia magnética Autocondensación Copolímero flúor Copolímero ramificado Copolimerización radical Estudio experimental Hidrólisis Imaginería RMN Micelización Modificación química Metacrilato de alquilo copolímero Polímero amfifilo Polimerización transferencia atomo Preparación Relación señal ruido Radio hidrodinámico Reacción consecutiva Solución acuosa Solución micelar Estireno copolímero
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D09 Physicochemistry of polymers / 001D09D Organic polymers / 001D09D02 Preparation, kinetics, thermodynamics, mechanism and catalysts / 001D09D02E Polymers with particular properties

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B24 Investigative techniques, diagnostic techniques (general aspects) / 002B24A Radiodiagnosis. Nmr imagery. Nmr spectrometry / 002B24A10 Miscellaneous. Technology

Physical chemistry of polymers Scanning and diagnostic techniques
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