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A phase II study of irinotecan in children with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma : A European cooperation of the Société Francaise d'Oncologie Pediatrique (SFOP) and the United Kingdom Children Cancer Study Group (UKCCSG)

VASSAL, Gilles1 ; GIAMMARILE, Francesco2 ; PICHON, Fabienne7 ; RUBIE, Hervé8 ; CISAR, Laura9 ; ASSADOURIAN, Syluie10 ; MORLAND, Bruce11 ; BROOKS, Mariel3 ; GEOERGER, Birgit1 ; COUANET, Dominique1 ; MICHON, Jean4 ; STOCKDALE, Elizabeth3 ; SCHELL, Matthias2 ; GEOFFRAY, Anne5 ; GENTET, Jean-Claude6
[1] Department of Paediatrics, Institute Gustaue Roussy, 39, Rue Camille Desmoulins, 94805 -Villejuif, France
[2] Nuclear Medicine Unit, Centre Leon Bérard, 28, Rue Laennec, 69373-Lyon, France
[3] Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital, Westburn Road, Foresterhill, AB25 2ZG-Aberdeen, United Kingdom
[4] Department of Paediatrics, Institute Curie, 26 Rue d'Ulm, 75248-Paris, France
[5] children's Hospital Lenval, Nice, Parc de l'Enchanteresse 13, Avenue Ste Colette, 06100-Nice, France
[6] Department of Paediatrics, La Timone Hospital, Boulevard Jean Moulin, 13385-Marseille, France
[7] Department of Paediatrics, Oscar Lambret Center, 3, Rue, Combemale 59020-Lille, France
[8] Purpan Hospital, Place du Docteur Baylac, 31059-Toulouse, France
[9] Pjizer Inc, 235 E 42nd Street, New York, NY-10017, United States
[10] sanofi-Aventis, 20, Avenue Raymond Aron, 92165-Antony, France
[11] Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust, Steelhouse Lane, B4 6NH-Birmingham, United Kingdom

European journal of cancer (1990). 2008, Vol 44, Num 16, pp 2453-2460, 8 p ; ref : 33 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Pharmacology drugs
Elsevier, Oxford
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Irinotecan Neuroblastoma Paediatrics Phase II
Keyword (fr)
Anticancéreux Cancer Cancérologie Coopération Enfant Essai clinique phase II Irinotécan Neuroblastome Récidive Résistance traitement Traitement Tumeur maligne Europe Royaume-Uni Camptothécine dérivé DNA topoisomerase Enzyme Homme Inhibiteur de la topoisomérase I Inhibiteur enzyme Isomerases Pathologie du système nerveux sympathique Pathologie du système nerveux
Keyword (en)
Antineoplastic agent Cancer Cancerology Cooperation Child Phase II trial Irinotecan Neuroblastoma Relapse Treatment resistance Treatment Malignant tumor Europe United Kingdom Camptothecin derivatives DNA topoisomerase Enzyme Human Topoisomerase I inhibitor Enzyme inhibitor Isomerases Autonomic neuropathy Nervous system diseases
Keyword (es)
Anticanceroso Cáncer Cancerología Cooperación Niño Ensayo clínico fase II Irinotecán Neuroblastoma Recaida Resistencia tratamiento Tratamiento Tumor maligno Europa Reino Unido Camptothecin derivado DNA topoisomerase Enzima Hombre Inhibidor topoisomerase I Inhibidor enzima Isomerases Sistema nervioso simpático patología Sistema nervioso patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B02 Pharmacology. Drug treatments

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B04 Tumors

General pharmacology Tumours
INIST identifier

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